
Friday, December 30, 2011

a weaver's delight

warp knots

there's an old traditional pattern by such name, although i have been unable to locate it. but much more than a pattern it is the gratification and satisfaction of having a well tensed warp and few mistakes.

well tensed warp

starting the new year on a good foot and sampling . using tex 100 wool  for warp and weft and 48/2 charcoal merino as supplemental yarn and sampling to see how both interact. will be back after new year with hopefully some samples to show.
in the meantime an article about one of our founding mothers.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, December 29, 2011

the intrepid stitcher.

 the intrepid stitcher

winding on of the table loom almost completed. in between holidays, sleeping, YES! and other pleasantries there has been some stitching.
the intrepid stitcher is somewhat frugal too. painting some stuff ans using paper underneath to protect the surface has yielded some really cool papers that could not be thrown away. it's serendipity in action, no plan no worrying about composition or anything . and the results are spontaneous and free. will try it on fabric over the new year. 
this one incorporates wire knitting and some machine stitching on the dark band on the side. also working and getting to know patinas.
 the intrepid stitcher detail

a closeup of the surface and the stitching

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

boxing day


 mussels at the beach on boxing day

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

may the lights

may the lights of christmas and hanukkah  shine bright and bring joy to you.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

To sleep, perchance to dream:

rembrant bananas

 — ay, there's the rub; -hamlet act III

indeed. for those of us who have trouble sleeping i was given a good solution. eat a banana about 45 min 1 hour before going to bed.
i can vouch for it, been sleeping like a lass. another thing is that most likely i'll put on some weight. but i rather be happy and plump than plump ,cranky and totally neurotic because of sleep deprivation.

turning a page.
went back to the old blogger interface. was sick of not finding stuff in the new dashboard.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, December 19, 2011

dyeing variables

mordant yarn

dyeing with natural dyestuff  is both irritating and fun. not to mention unpredictable.
proof is in the photo. the silk yarn on the left was from the  alum mordant batch  dyed last year using pomegranate rinds and left seeping in the liquor for some unaccounted time.
the one on the right was mordanted using liles method of alum, cream of tartar and tin all in one pot.he says is very good for yellows so i gave it a shot. the color it gave me is not ugly, but can't compare to the one i got last year.
there are so many variables to consider besides the mordant: the water, this year's crop of fruit, the time spent in the liquor , the quantities of dyestuff used.
it's a well known fact that overdyeing is a cure for disappointments.

happy monday!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, December 16, 2011


a look into yuzen.
have a good weekend!
brrr! finally cold here.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, December 15, 2011

geekery love


A quiet autumn rain…

image source Tumblr

it's called cinemagraph
you can see example in this write up
and here's a tute to get you started
caveat you need photoshop cs5 extended version  (or any program w. video editing capabilities)
but i'm sure the creative mind will find workarounds that.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

on machines


" the enlightened way to use a machine is to judge its powers, fashion its uses, in light of our own limits rather than the machine's potential.we should not compete against the machine. a machine like any model,ought to propose rather than command, and humankind should certainly walk away from command to imitate perfection. against the claim of perfection we can assert our own individuality, which gives distinctive character to the work we do."

we are talking about soul here.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the nettle diaries


i have started working with the nettle weaving making pages for books. as i said very little, if any, weaving is happening in my studio.but lots of stitching and surface design.and photofun!

 pages 1-2   pages 3-4

note the red cast of the photos created by adjusting the curves  pumping up the red, adjusting the blue and green  and playing with the opacity. i set the merge mode to normal and opacity around 50%.end of geekery.

the stitching was embellished with stamping and an addition of plastic film painted and stamped.
i hope it reads well.

 addendum: today's friday 13th in spain.wishing you all safety and happiness.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, December 12, 2011

non finito

 non finito

lots of stitching happening in this household. the laptop went to the doctor and it looks like it's terminal.
we'll see if it's more cost effective to get a new one and buy an adapter to change usb to com port. have heard lots of predicaments so i am  already turning blue from holding my breath.

non finito 4 non finito 3

 non finito 2   non finito 1

this piece is strange, i don't do pretty, but it came out pretty.wonder why. this is reclaimed cotton from a much loved dress with a bit of reclaimed silk shibori. note the repetition of the word reclaimed even  some of the threads are thrums form this warp. still not sure whether to turn it into a book, hence the title.

in the news depatment this link came to me via fabienne felter extraordinaire. too bad she doesn't have a blog.yet.
if you ever wanted to dress like a frans hals paining :) here you have instructions. there are also great tutorials on smocking and period embroidery.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, December 09, 2011

isn't he the very best?

wait until the end. you'll be rewarded.
have a great weekend!
ps. poem by e.e. cumings

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, December 08, 2011

set and match point!


tablecloth and napkins on the drying line.only two tiny specks ,which i surely can live with, in sight.
i was informed that even uv radiation could bleach.let's see if the radiation in my terrace  is enough .
this city  is so sickeningly self appointed hip and cool that anything that smells old fashioned is totally banished.hence my issues trying to find savon de marseille in bars. gel is  cool  and modern contemporary, but soap bars that have this hand-wash - like- in- the- old- days connotation? no way! will have to take the train to a small town in the vicinity and try my luck.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

update on linen and life

soaked tablecloth

thank you all for the tips and advice re the tablecloth.
 we're living a crazy week this one. there are 2 holidays in between week so that makes the whole week a week long holiday in most cases. shops vary depending on the will to take off or the crisis, but my usual suspects are gone. 
this is to say that i had to make do and use baking soda that i had in store.
boiled softly the whole ensemble for over 3 hours and you would not believe the color of that water.
rinsed thoroughly and put them back in the pot with clean water and more baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) for a long soak. the outcome is very, very good  stains are almost gone. 

my mother in law, as all ladies in the past, kept her linens in drawers with a bar of perfumed soap bars to freshen and scent them and also to keep moths away.the scent was so ingrained in the fabric that even after boiling with baking soda, the well known odor fighter,the fabric is still perfumed.and no traces of moth damage.
note to self: buy perfumed soap bars for linens!

tomorrow i'll rinse and hand to dry.the not so good news is that i don't get direct sunlight  in the terrace until february. no sunbleaching therefore. rent anyone?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, December 05, 2011

collective wisdom transfer please!!

white cloth1 stains

from my mother in law, a beautiful hand embroidered linen tablecloth with pulled thread work. it also includes 6 napkins and 6 tea napkins so that makes me think it belonged to her mother.
i want to use it this christmas, but it is stained, most likely from being stored. although the round stain suggests a coffee cup.
the linen is somewhat soft so i am a bit concerned that if i use the classical remedy of boiling it in soda ash the fabric might deteriorate. of course, bleach is out of the question, no, no ,no.
my question: does anyone know what to do? suggestions and ideas are most welcomed.thanks!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, December 02, 2011

wonderful life-silk

silk and animation, it can't get better. 
fall is finally here crisp temperatures and golden sunlight.

have a great weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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