
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

quick! i need another life

at the risk of sounding like a professional dabber i'm doing some aizome, knitting with my newly refurbished perfectly functioning knitting machine, learning some more stitches with TAST  going on with my accordion books project and  really getting into ps actions. in other words turning nice (excuse me) photos into wow.

i should be creating my own actions by now, but i'd need another life because i have not even mentioned weaving which is my main job nor animation and fractals which are my hobbies.
instead i've found crafty and incredibly generous people who do the work. through rita  i also discovered skeletal mess and his textures.
i just  work with what they've created. the photos are mine and only mine.

on the other hand and creating the setting for an impeccable excuse, because i tend to be obsessive i work at whatever i'm interested in very intensely. this gives me a level of knowledge that is not shallow as in a dabber, but it's not as deep as one who has devoted all the time to just one pursuit and has become a specialist.
after all, i taught myself how to warp, with the priceless help of the late cay garrett and her book and lots and lots of yarn. 
having achieved that gave me the  chutzpa  to pursue whatever i chose jumping right into it and studying until my elbows went literally i did with cooking.

arrogance? no, just ignorance. ♣ ♣

neki desu
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

those were the days oh yes!


when you could walk on a plane with long pointy objects without being pinned down and accused of terrorism. i bought  various sets of shinshi when i was in japan and being relatively fragile i carried them with me on the plane.
at that time i wasn't doing as much dyeing as i'm presently doing. but being of the you never know mentality i went ahead and bought some sets. have not regretted it, on the contrary. ahh, the joy of having the adequate tools!

shinshi are made of bamboo with a metal point at each end. they are used to stretch the fabric taut so that you can paint it without creating puddles of paint. that's the official use. however, i've used them successfully to stretch and block handwoven fabric as per tenter hooks and now for knits. what can i say? they are beautiful in their simplicity, portability and efficiency.

for care info go here

neki desu 
view CCLicense Creative Commons License

Monday, June 28, 2010

a bit late but just in time

linen shawl

the knitting machine refurbishing worked well.the sponge was changed and a deep cleaning was carried out.the machine is working very well now. self control is in order, first a simple, basic knit. ultra thin  unbleached linen singles made it interesting. it  came out with one big mistake and a few minor ones, not complaining! it is soft, and after blocking and  a pressing it has a nice sheen. wanted to drop it in the indigo vat, which by the way is working like a dream come true, but i am hesitating as it could dye towards the green as the unbleached color has yellow undertones. i only hope my fairy godmother is reading this, she would have a chuckle.

i have already started a more ambitious project to be worked during the mornings while the sun heats the vat on the terrace.this one is silk doupioni using the tuck application?  and this one will be aizomed.
speaking of which the cotton itajimes are coming along fine and a silk scarf is already finished and curing.

and something happened to this bloody keyboard because all the keys got changed and it is a pain typing. note the lack of contractions. perhaps something happened during the last update. going into the innards now.

neki desu
view CCLicense Creative Commons License


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