
Thursday, July 25, 2013

it's the p.h. stupid!

more things i've learned with/ from this vat:
most of the time one tends to o.d. on the reducing agent when just by adjusting the p.h. the vat gets going again. excess reducing agent as you savy dyers know creates problems such as stripping the cloth of the already deposited color . it also produces splotchy dyeing, i've found; correct me if wrong.

continuing to dye pieces for the cover. doing the happy dance because i found a pair of old worn to death  jeans that i'm going to cut and dye.

i have gained enough confidence this summer and with a little

help from a friend* this big vat is waiting its turn for next summer. must be at least 50 liters. shudder.

 interesting comments from yesterday's post. velma's point that men in textiles  usually become names is very thought provoking.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

of itajime and a future cover

 photo itajime-back_zps9e063155.jpg
right, the next installment is preparing fabric for some kind of cover. duvets are too hot in september or october yet sheets are too flimsy because-hopefully- nights will be chilly.with the scraps i'm dyeing and adding some gifted squares and odd bits of jeans and such i want to patch all of that into a cover.
some  of them might get a stitching treatment nothing arty, just to add interest to the monochrome .

 photo ita_zps7a067b75.jpg photo itajimeandyarns_zps5b498911.jpg
more itajime on the works.there's some cotton yarn as well . preview of coming winter attractions.
moving on .
have you noticed that for 1 person who's doing original work there are gazillion re-fries and or pins on pinterest?
one more thing. this is going to sound sexist, perhaps it is,but have you noticed that men bring a different look-feel to textiles?
there are some working in weaving, knitting and stitching and i find their work very stimulating.
is it because they don't do pretty?
( am i opening a can of worms with this heat???)

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

second ai installment

linen samples photo linensamples_zps932b2d45.jpg

the frugal textilianhas to put to use all those linen machine knitting samples. firrst move was dyeing, next we shall see.
those observant eyes will note that the lacy sample is much darker. 4 dips and had i been less impatient i would have ended with Kon ( ) or what we understand for indigo blue #191F45

cotton tulle photo cottontulle_zpsac4a6990.jpgthese other samples are an insanely expensive cotton tulle used in bobbin lace. what for i don't know, lace makers please chime in!
i bought 20 cms, but being wide i have enough for my small scale work. i bought it foreseeing the summer blues :)

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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