
Thursday, May 19, 2011

holey grunge

holey grunge

finished. throwing the shuttle and pondering about the color. kakishibu? lichen? combined dyeing or straight ?

today i followed a lady for 3 blocks pretending i was going her way and not stalking her.  i really had to pay attention to my walking pace keeping a prudent distance  and to my hands which tended to fly towards the garment and touch it .
she was wearing a knitted tunic and with my present abilities i can make it. 2 long rectangular pieces folded creating the front and then stitched together on the back  with sides stitched together. one long band shaped  as small shawl collar then narrowed to create front bands for the garment. basically the long rectangular things i can make, but as they say over here with a little bit of story  (^_^)
oh daring ignorance!

 while on the subject of stalking this web page is worth every minute. the most gorgeous yarns and threads to be seen. fabulous metallics, specialty yarns and much, much more. there is a photo essay on linen spinning process and another on  silk spinning process. very timely as we were commenting about them yesterday!  
i found  the place  while searching for  fine linen 30 or 40 grist. anyone knows places for fine linen here in europe?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

no small wonder

loom view

i can't get away from this loom with such a nice view. no big deal for you who live out in the country or the burbs. but for someone living in the middle of a city with a 1.5million souls it is a great deal to have a tree or two outside the window.

work done

work done, nice fat roll of cloth. if all goes well next week i'll start weaving  the silk warp. the knitted piece was finished this morning and is already washed. still haven't made up my mind regarding problem is that i'm already past that piece and thinking about the next one.

did you notice flickr today? home page changes. seems they're more interested in getting new sign ups than letting people sign in. took me a while to find it :(
the let's fix what ain't broken trend is getting to be irritating.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

r&r again

linen wonder

how can those fierce looking gate posts be r&r you may wonder. well  i find machine knitting-from now on mk-stress relieving while  taking time off the loom for  some  physical rest. i need  to administer weaving time wisely if i want to keep on  weaving many more years.
continuing along the grunge line ,the dyeing is yet to be defined .the linen self study is going on and part of the blame  lies on jean. until last year i had not devoted time to understand and work with it. it is a difficult fiber which requires a lot of attention, but it is enormously gratifying to work with. its history is not as romantic and mysterious as silk yet there's some wholesomeness that silk definitely lacks.  
how fascinating the language of fibers!

on the r&r night dept. reading haruki murakami's 1Q84 .surreal as everything by him. and one of his lengthy novels too.
not  fair that  i am relishing in all this amusement.   here's something for you too :D
awesome work!!! haven't made up my mind whether i like the front or the back better .

a question: do you find the links more readable/linkable now or should i continue with the regular format?

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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