
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

i knew it

fakir's bed

it was just a matter of time i was going to get hit. a few weeks ago while checking my analytics i saw a some visits from turkey and nigeria. first it happened in my e mail server. the infamous  GOOD MORNING MY FRIEND post and the newer version DEAR BELOVED IN GOD. no problem, just trash it and on with life, have been trashing lots of them .but this morning i got a comment here at the blog duplicating aracne's  comment from a few days ago. when i clicked on it i was taken to a weird page in turkey all written in turkish of course. i left the page as fast as i could, but now i'm paranoid. maybe i got something there because i'm experiencing difficulties commenting on blogs.

on the textile life department:
  • the loom controlled shibori is coming along nicely. no photos because it's all white boringness.
  • still winding on the silk top, a few inches per hour to avoid havoc, broken threads raw nerves etc.that silk is inflicting punishment.
  • the silk skein being solar dyed  in brazilwood  i salso coming along nicely.
  • and.... preparing an ai vat. my face is blue  from holding my breath.hope it turns as blue.
the image illustrating the post was generated at clolurlovers. still haven't found a use for it, but we'll get there.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the frugal weaver

 washer from lilliput

this is my wet finishing/felting machine. it's a small washing machine better known here as a camping washing machine! it is a 41cms square  made of heavy duty plastic which holds about 20-25 liters of water with a 2kg of dry clothes capacity.
the full cycle takes 30 minutes, but you can stop and back to the beginning or wait till it finishes and give it another 30 minutes if needed.

the inside drum is made of heavy duty teflon
 washer inside
and the mechanism is almost pedestrian.
a dented wheel that fits into the drum's also dented edge and moves it. it stops itself and changes movement to counterclockwise, producing a backlash movement.

this little friend is extremely efficient in water and electricity consumption and acts as my alternative to running the washing machine for one scarf.
i put it inside the bathtub, put the shower head in the machine and  fill it with hot water. then when the cycle's done i unplug the stopper located at the back and the water runs out.doesn't spin dry, but i can live with that. after all felt never gets spin dried or you end up with a hideous clump of a material.

i bought my machine  several moons ago for around 30€. although i'm not into camping however, thinking of  all the money and especially  resources i've saved really makes me one happy camper. my contribution to saving the planet (^_^)
there are newer models being made. for recent converts that is.because as there are no parts subject to wear it is indestructible, and as long as you have electricity it will run.
as an aside,something i find most surprising thing is that it was made by ITT.
these machines are still going strong and you can find many brand new ones  at e bay.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, May 09, 2011

out of the pot

from this
raindrops closeup

to this.

the color came out raspberry. on linen, muted and understated if you know what i mean. it spent two weeks in the dye pot and could have stayed longer, but  as i seem to be on a roll these days i suddenly grew impatient and pulled it out.
i like how linen can be steam stretched and holding the stretch. until next time that is. and how the yarn acquires that characteristic sheen. oops (^_^)

for the sake of organisation  i added a new tab cum shop for knits under the blog  header where i will be periodically adding items. you're welcome to visit it for more details about this stole.

moving on
yesterday the afternoon was spent with a friend visiting the rose garden in park cervantes .pure pleasure. colors, scents, good company, sunshine, scads of photos and it was all rounded out with a glass of chilled white wine at el velodom, one of my favorite haunts. the weekend had started with cuban food on friday followed by a great weaving session on saturday hand operating the levers on the table loom. it is strangely
satisfying to go low low tech periodically! 

today i have been procrastinating the winding on chore on the dobby and keep going back to the table loom, as good an alibi as they come .have run out of excuses so i better get on with the task.wish me luck because that warp has given me more then two headaches.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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