
Monday, August 16, 2010

TAST-siennese stitch


is it because of their italian resonance and the memories they bring? i seem to really enjoy those italian stitches. 
here'sTAST week 24. i did my best not to fall for the literal and work the stitch in sienna colors :)
i worked with dmc embroidery 6strand cotton floss. most of the sample  was worked with 2 strands, but the slightly skewed stitches were worked with the whole 6 strands.
while at the dmc page i discovered a new to me thread  which sounds promising. has anyone out there tried it?

on another note can someone please tell me how to delete the dumb bullets (dots) in my blogroll and sidebar? looked at the widgets and did not see it.looked in the html innards and ditto. i really can't stand them so please, please tell.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, August 13, 2010

practicing christian virtues

flower outlined2
 of patience and self control. that meaning the least use of foul language and suppressing a strong killing instinct. the last two days have been spent
- note the use of the passive because the time is more important than the who ;-) - undoing rows and rows of machine knitting. 
and in order to keep my sanity i  shifted between undoing and working on this baby, hand scribbling an outline for the flowers in blue. the original idea was to make the line thicker, but when confronted with the whole piece i decided it would have been too dominant, so i chose a fine scribble instead. i think it's finished and can be put down  to rest. what do you think?

on the life in general department i have been dealing with lost credit cards cancellations, re issuing and all the dysfunctions caused by such PITA.
and the weather has turned crappy, but cooler. can't have it all.

 i'll leave you for the weekend with this good read via textile arts resource guide. just in case you ever find yourself in a rut and start questioning your work.

have a good weekend and enjoy the sun.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

about undoing

dropped stitches

as children we are taught to do. and to make if we're lucky. but there is no educating about undoing, perhaps because it's easier and more time/cost effective to discard and start all over again.
undoing  is not really a feature in a computer program, or a key stroke, it takes time, patience and concentration. it is an unchartered route that you take  hoping to get somewhere.  
for those of us working in isolation it represents a country that has never existed before.akin to those countries, no matter how old and visited, that have never existed until you go there and discover them.
undoing is about inventing systems for a repetitive never ending task even if you are re inventing the proverbial wheel because it is about deriving satisfaction from those invented systems.
it is also about the gratifying feeling of salvaging a work which could have been easier to discard. because undoing  always happens in the middle of a work not at the beginning, not at the end.

just yesterday i was corresponding with internet friends and talking about how well this  machine knitting was going. and undoing happened.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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