
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Last year around my birthday i was doing deco-printing.
The fabric came out nicely and i overprinted a left over square with a print gocco master, my beloved "purinto gocco"that i had hauled all the way from Japan. i was testing fluorescent pigments and wanted to see their printability.

Results: nice; lovely pink fluo motifs but somewhat discombobulated (lovely puzzling word, there is no combobulate).
Or as husband- san, the resident critic, said "it's very abstract (snicker,snicker)":)
The fabric needed a unifying element desperately and so it was put down to rest.Yesterday the weather was hot and dry and i brought out a thermofax screen and tried some more over printing with a there's not much to lose attitude. Coincidentally the thermofax and print gocco technology are the same, so it is quite surprising that Riso wants to discontinue the gocco .

the linear elements combobulate(ha!ha!) the fabric.thermofax
i'm looking forward to more combobulation :)
BTW. i just became a fan of the gocco page on Facebook.

neki desu

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

closer to the end

composite strata

of the strata series, here's a composite. There are 3 or 4 more plus the ones that are being exhibited. Gosh have i worked hard!i hadn't realized how much work was put into these series as i was really enjoying myself.
There are notes on some of the details at my photostream.

On the aizome front, the deranged vat received some synthetic indigo and did not complain.Dyed with it and came out ok. The newer vat is like a first born, you keep thinking wow! look at what i've produced :)

Now i'm stitching some rust dyed cotton that will be dunked in the vat.
And batching some cotton that i screened with a thermofax screen and preparing my deconstructed silkscreen. All this frenzy because i want everything done before we go on holidays at the end of the month. All that to the sound of the knocking down of walls.

neki desu

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Monday, July 13, 2009

just a weaving weekend

weaving stamping sur,surface design
i'm getting a bit sloppy with the photos. Wanted to try this one with transparent background, just in case i change the blog's background.Been thinking about that, but one of the things that refrain me from doing so is that i'll have to change all the backgrounds from the photos.Don't think Planet Textile will like that as i'll take over all their space that day.
Anyway, crummy photo, but the weaving went great. The warp is coming to an end and that's good because i don't like going on holidays with a warp on the loom.
Some aizome yesterday. The three day rest did wonders to one vat, the deranged one is very deranged. This morning mixed some synthetic. indigo and added it to the vat to see what happens. Can't get more deranged!

neki desu

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