
Saturday, January 05, 2008

What to do with a digi printed piece of silk organza?

The one that didn't print crisply and has been lying around for years. Getting shuffled from one place to another. From the top drawer to the bottom one because i can't bring myself to throw away a piece of silk organza.

Recycle! turn a UFO into something else, something different because one has made changes in two years.

The silk organza print was a project for a submission to a juried show whose jury never saw. scanned a lace doily and assembled it with a fractal image that i created and then printed it.i Wasn't happy with the outcome so i dropped the project.
Last summer i was testing iron on transfers for an end of the year present to my Japanese classmates and i used the piece to test the transfer on. Figured that being a discard it wasn't going to get ruined. Done and moved on, yet i could not bear to throw the jinxed fabric away.

A couple of weeks ago i found the piece again and since it was a f.up i cut it up and used it ad a base for needlefelting. i liked what was happening to it so i stepped on the gas, ignoring the speed limit and went for a joy ride :)

This was the first one.
And here comes number two
needlefelt,sittching, digital print,surface design

My doubt is whether to tag this as a UFO or a WISP.

neki desu

Thursday, January 03, 2008

here TIF 1



i decided to work on the Take it Further Challenge on a weekly basis and blog about the progress.This will give me time to think and develop the concept or colourway and still have time left for my other endeavors. At least it is my intention as of Jan 3rd.

For the first Tif i opted for the colourway because it has some greens and i've always have found it a difficult color to work with. The other part of the inspiration comes from Gunnel as she remarked on a comment to this post that the tulips looked like spring. Nice thought, the promise of spring days to come.

Double clicked on the colourway image and opened it in Photoshop. Then created layers
by selecting and copying parts of the image and assigning a color to each layer by using the flood fill tool. i also used textured background and added a very transparent color wash to it.

Next step was eliminating unwanted information, in other words flattening the colors and eliminating color areas.
And some portions of the photo were literally wiped out :) for the sake of composition and simplification.The textured background was also eliminated as this piece will be worked in a yet undecided textile form. But this will be next week's post.

i am still pondering whether the extra colors left, albeit being the same hue, but different values is some form of cheating. In other words should i just constrain the exercise to the proposed colouurway without further color additions?
What do you think? Opinions. please.

Oh and you can see the full sized photos here

neki desu

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

it was a very good year


Ok, ok, except for the last 2 months LOL. But 10 out of 12 isn't a bad record.
i guess it will go down in history, my personal history at least, as the year i broke studio isolation with a vengeance.
Came in contact with a fantastic crowd of creative, extremely generous, like minded, fun people thanks to the wonders of the Internet!

The year was also a year of learning techniques and exploring different mediums, yet keeping textiles as the focus. That was the good news. The not so good is that i wasn't able to produce a coherent body of work during the year just lots of stand alone pieces which makes me slightly uneasy because that's not the way i work. My system is approaching a theme and working on it until i exhaust it thus ending up with a coherent body of work.
A new approach to working in sight? On verra.

It was also the year of discovering my two extra thumbs while learning to stitch. i will have to sit and practice with patience and diligence all that i've learned in the TAST challenge thanks to Sharon B.
And the leap into needlefelting, something that has seduced me away from the loom with its instant gratification charm. It has also prompted me into recycling all those weaving samples using them as backgrounds and for low water immersion dyeing.

2007 will also be marked as the year of finally being able to get an indigo vat going, let's not forget that!! And trying my hand at kakishibuzome.

2008 holds lots of promises in the way of machine knitting and design exercises as i've signed up for Sharon B's challenge Take It Further while i wait for the summer to tackle aizome and kakishibuzome.

Only hoping that no more construction workers -god-forbid- get in the way :)

Thanks to all of you who have visited along the year and left comments of support.

best of the best,

neki desu


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