
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a million small things cooking

scarf ltd.

change of seasons, the cooler weather always brings a surge in activities.still have to finish warping , but taking a break from the loom to look around. here are some  interesting finds in no particular order.

found this post which is  a beautiful summary of the change of seasons.

if you are into sewing and interested in retro  here is a good source for vintage patterns. some of them cost as much as the gown itself but there are plenty of good value ones.

still on the the diy mode: continued education for diy artist fractured atlas offers courses, sponsorhips and health insurance among other resources.

has your work ever been rejected to an exhibit? this article via textile art resource guide gives a good perspective on juries and juried exhibits.
and the image, you may wonder what the point is .it is this digitally transformed that is already here

neki desu

Creative Commons License

1 comment:

  1. Omygod, Neki...che onore. Grazie infinite, ma fai sentire brava e importante!


interaction appreciated!


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