
Monday, February 02, 2009

cheerfully looking towards spring


Can't fool anyone. Autumn is my favorite season, but i'm a Spring girl. All good things happen to me in Spring . And there are quite a few goodies in the good news dept, but i need a go ahead to spill the beans :D
However, one of the good news is the lucky find in Pin Tangle of this link about net embroidery.It was a very exciting find that will definitely add another dialog here.
i'm anxious to start stitching.

And as an aside i had noticed some change in parts of the tulle, not discernible to the eye, but a tactile sensation. Thanks to the link i was able to infer that the mantilla had been repaired and some pieces of new tulle had been added. So fine a job that you can't tell with a naked eye.
Now i can almost be sure that the mantilla belonged to my mother in law's mother.
i feel humbled and graced.

neki desu

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  1. Neki, there is something intrinsically satisfying about the weight of lace, whether delicate or sturdy, in real form or imitated that is completely entrancing. I'm following your lace adventures!
    I just lucked into a copy of a 1975 lacemaking book that has several chapters on netlace, if you are interested in some copies.

  2. How amazing that something so delicate and intricate was imperfect (but made perfect again) by repairs! Perhaps the handiwork was done by your mother-in-law's mother!

  3. a very significant discovery, especially because you were sensitive enough to notice it.

  4. O-o-o-o-o! Another intriguing beauty. Thank you for the notes on your Flickr photo. I just love this series of cards.


interaction appreciated!


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