
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


weavers / tecedeiras
                                                                     via Alice Bernardo

there's nothing i can write about jacquard looms that you don't already know.therefore i'll leave you with this link to explore and this collection of photos. enjoy!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



took this to aix and stitched on the trips when i could not see the scenery any longer. yesterday i gave it the finishing touches and voila finito!
the base is distressed lutradur with a brass patina.then comes the linen knit ,as it was a sample to see how this particular linen would knit it came out already distressed. but i added some more distress.on with the stitching  here i had some hard thinking on what stitch to use as the base stitch because of the knit structure.
finally chose upright crosses in linen because i found it to be complementary to the knit. the seed stitch was a no brainer!  what can you add to give it unity and a good pop? 
then the focal point(s) distressed kunin felt with brass patina and puff paint dots with a yarn tail and some copper wire to force the metallic concept and make it visible.
i feel rather virtuous using all the knitted samples making stuff with them    ^_^ 

the awful news is that the ancient laptop which runs the loom gave me the dreaded black screen yesterday.
with husband- san being out of commission  it will have to wait a while. good thing i have old faithful aka 12 shaft table loom.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, November 28, 2011

feeling slightly smug

knotties weave

managed to finish the nettle warp amid  heaps of domestic BS.  it is going to be used as pages for some books i have in mind. now let's see if i can scrape off time. and i'm not counting the holiday preps which look like sci-fi this year.

i had never worked with nettle before and it gave me pleasure to learn how a new to me yarn works. it sheds a bit, but it is quite strong and there's nothing that a good rub with beexwax can't solve.
it takes paints very well and the next  test will be that of dyeing.
 although it has been used in the himalayas forever it is apparently  the new it yarn for us.

thank you blandina♥♥♥

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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