
Thursday, July 21, 2016


this was lost in the morass of papers.some lines,some circles,some texture.even when the weight is in the center, the background quadrants make the center less "central". so does the texture on the topmost paper.

and now the fringe benefits.

two gorgeous  drop papers. must start using cloth instead of paper. two birds with one shot.
some of you have inquired so  here's the link for the composition course .

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


the last exercise.this one works pretty well

and so does this one. i think the papers escaping the confinement of the borders add interest.wasn't planned though.

this one's ok, need some more work, the dark side should not stand out that much.however, it's stong.

i like this one, but the yellow needs toning down because it's too dominant.

what i learned besides the  course:
  • working with various papers at once fast because the paint dries is liberating.sometimes stopping to think can act as a brake.
  • what you don't like can be covered with paint.
  • the hundreds of ways alcohol can save the day-i'm serious. i am reexamining the fact that water is the universal solvent. try cleaning caked acrylic on brushes.
  • if it does that then why not dilute acrylic with alcohol to create transparencies or watercolor (ahem) washes.
  • there's nothing that cannot be improved with a little nickel azo gold.
  • critical eye applied to self complacency, but no unnecessary self flagelation.
  • self confidence.
  • some interesting and useful tips.

i am definitely going to take the extreme composition course, but i need to let this one sink in.
meanwhile i'll  start thinking textiles in this context.

all in all fun and  positive learning experience.

neki desu 
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

looks like newspeak is winning

seems that something is wrong with the verb to paint and has been changed to colorize. godgivemepatience.i have seen it around a coupe of times the latest being this . 
 don't get me wrong, jane davies does not use the wordling. i think she's much too down to earth and real to get involved in that.

so for lesson 6 and last i have been colorizing backgrounds-snicker,snicker.
the exercise revolves around creating atmospheric backgrounds to be used in any kind of composition that has been practiced in previous lessons.

these two need some more work. i need to get away from center placement hangup .

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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