
Friday, August 02, 2013

one of the most beautiful music vids ever

so many cultural references and  very obscure lyrics. rummor has it that it was inspired by gabriel garcia marques story A very old man with enormous wings

enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.

stay cool

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Thursday, August 01, 2013

and now in living color

yesterday was spent studying my hand manipulated stitches book as i need intellectual support for my sampling. i want/ need to understand what's going on and why things happen.then i'll start designing my own stuff. but for now the safety net of a recipe helps me understand and build confidence.

one thing leads to another to another and yet to another more. in short, ended ordering the harmony guide to machine knitting stitches by barbara devaney which apparently is one of the bibles in the subject. i also felt very virtuous because i bought it from a goodwill storefront in amazon  ^_^.
one thing i know for now, not interested in fairisle. we'll see later.

two color knitting can last me for the rest of this life. although the same at first glance  stitch in the photo above is quite different from this one.
and this is ruling out stripes. 
see what i mean?

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

more 2 color sampling

getting in control of the bubbles. producing them at will :)

looking into a color changer which promises automatic yarn change.
i have yet to see a mechanical automatization. sounds like an oximoron doesn't it? anyway it will do away with unwanted stripes
like these for example.

slip stitch sample. or is it tuck? i was using punchcards and doing both tuck and slip without taking notes or marking the sample, of course.

a needle misbehaving. there is a problem with the latch not opening. good grief! i am in command of the nomenclature :)
if you want to know more about knitting machines go here.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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