
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

narrowing choices and serendipity

realized that if i want to really grasp the whys and hows i need to narrow the knitting choices.
i am basically interested in grungy knitting : holes, dropped ,stitches and  ladders. i am also interested in two color knitting especially creating maze effect, something akin to shadow weave. yes, i always go back to weaving :) as a result i will drive my efforts and concentrate on those two , that by the way will take up my next three lives.
the back of the knitting looks dismal with all those floats! the front is much more promising.

mazes knit cool but they require a lot of concentration, note the solid bands as a result of not changing the could really plan those as design elements.
i am thinking of arty pieces knitted in mazes.

2 color bars . ok, but not a killer.
maybe worked in two textures they could be  more interesting-

serendipity! i forgot to engage the punch card the needles were already selected, but as the card wasn't moving the same pattern yarn kept repeating, resting on top of the needle.after 10-15 pasess i became aware of all those floats on the needles and engaged the knitted a pass catching the floats and making them bubble out.
i'm sure all you experienced mktters know this, but for me was discovering how to make bubbles!
need to work on extrapolations of that.
did i say my next three lives?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, July 29, 2013

of hand skills

when in need of clarification i turn to sennet and his book the craftsman :

"Concentration consummates a certain line of technical development in the hand. The hands have had  before to experiment through touch, but according to an objective standard; they have learned to coordinate inequality; they have learned the application of minimum force and release. The hands thus establish a repertoire of gestures. The gestures can be further refined or revised within the rhythmic  process that occurs in, and sustains, practicing. Prehension presides over each technical step, and each step is full of ethical implication."

training my hands in a different routine, that of knitting with 2 different yarns; in this case 2 colors.

there are lots of movements involved and it needs more concentration than  weaving with 2 shuttles, but it's not much different. yarns also cross and the crossing determines whether they keep on knitting orderly or turn into a twisted mess. first baby steps.
more samples! .... to train, to do one's best, to honor the craft.

another related observation: the japanese are such good designers because the country suffers from a chronic lack of space. therefore each thing in its most efficient place and nothing is superfluous; that nook under the rail serves to secure the out of work yarn!


" We have trained our hands in repetition; we are alert rather than bored because we have developed the skill of anticipation.But equally,the person able to perform a duty again and again has acquired a technical skill, the rhythmic skill of a craftsman, whatever the god or gods to which he or she subscribes"

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, July 26, 2013

my hero giving hope to the world

have a great weekend!
 and remember, don't buy food that lists long weird words you can't pronounce ;)

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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