
Monday, April 29, 2013

weaving and webbed feet


hasn't stopped raining since thursday, and it's cold again :( 
the good news is that it's temperature appropriate for weaving. draft for a fun and games lampas project. i found that creating the draft in photoshop with presets was a lot more flexible than in the weaving program. plus the added benefit of having three structures in the draft.
the warp is all hemp in a 2:1 ratio, the tie warps are in a twill.the two wefts are linen and a thick softly twisted silk.  i am not weaving selvedge to selvedge, but brocading the pattern wefts.this is a simulation really because parts of the ground are going to be woven in tabby, but the threading is the actual one.



will be spending some time with the la fare girls, one tonight and the other one tomorrow ;-)

neki desu 

Friday, April 26, 2013

future possible or future geekery?

for the time being lets enjoy it.
have a great ,sunny weekend.

 neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

delightfully low tech


remember those days avant computers and textile programs when weaving was full of graph paper, pencils and erasers? i'm back there.

the puncher, the pin which reads the small hole in the card and lowers the actual puncher which punches the hole.i took photos to show how it works because i am aware that for a beginner it is hard to envision.
puncher    pattern2
                                                 the actual puncher                                   see the pattern emerging?                                              

most explanations ignore the fact that beginners do not have previous knowledge so they take for granted some kind of previous knowledge. this becomes especially harder when you are a beginner in self study hour (^_^)

the system is another very forgiving binary wonder. the puncher fails to punch a hole if the pin is not in the tiny hole. however it does not have a mechanism to avoid punching one too many. for that there is masking tape !
the knitting  machine  actually doesn't care if you make mistakes and cover them up with masking tape. for the machine does not read blanks, just holes

 two pieces of advice:
  • mark the bottom with down arrows, so you know which way to insert the card.
  • wear an elastic wristband to protect your wrists from repetitive stress injuries.there are many holes to be punched.

the card in action 

                                   tuck stitch               slip stitch                     improvise!                            
as i was learning the mechanics this is not my design.  as it always happens most of the admired cleverness, once you start prowling the net you discover it out there. here's some proof of it; go the left hand side panel and look for  standard card sets. all the wisdom of machinedom there.

i'm warming up to the possibility of using  weaving drafts to punch cards. but i need to punch more cards and get a better understanding of how they work with the machine. i bet you can feel the excitement from where you are!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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