
Friday, April 12, 2013

a primer

material of a million uses.enjoy.
have a great weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

food for the bod

lentil salad

a quick perk up to help the bod  with the steep spring climb.
lentils marinated in sherry vinegar and thyme
cooked broad beans
diced red onion
quartered kumato tomato
black olives
tiny capers
dress with a vinaigrette to which chopped  fresh mint leaves and a dash of tabasco has been added.
or substitute the mint for chopped coriander for a good dose of magnesium and other health benefits.

for extra nutrition you may add boiled quail eggs. they also look pretty :)

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

rethinking:the world's full of re's


this is part of the 10 mt roll of 70 gr. lutradur i bought several years ago foreseeing lots of surface design work.or was it because of a stash enhancement strategy?
anyway the roll has been somewhat used and keeps rolling around from one place to another, keeping company to a black one.

lutra traced
 this is a what if moment.

if i use it to trace a pattern to avoid dealing with fragile tissue paper and spoiling the original pattern.... given the prices patterns are commanding it's not a foolish thought to keep them intact and some years on selling them as vintage.

last year my pal rubi brought me some notions from nancy's notions-intended pun- which included a lutradur like material for making patterns. so i just had to change the verb make to trace et voila!

much easier to handle,it can be re used provided you keep the category constant :ie can't forge a dress out of pants .
i'll be cutting the pants this pm. and thinking of other uses fot the remaining 8 mts. of lutradur.
what other uses can you think of?

weaving update: today's finito day if all goes well.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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