
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

south of machester across the channel

loom model

 at the height of the textile revolution, barcelona  was producing so many meters of cloth that it was dubbed the manchester of the south. neighborhoods were built around textile factories as self supporting communities where workers went to work  home and play without leaving the long shade of the factory.
all that is gone. even the beautiful industrial architecture, not to mention the production.  very little of that textile heritage has  found its way in the collective consciousness, hence textile means bed linens and tablecloths at its best.
for me it is always good news when i find someone who knows and cares.
the small model was found in an old fashioned underwear store.  salvador badia canales  has painstakingly reproduced a scale model of a semi automatic loom of early xx century and the store has it on display. 

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Monday, January 28, 2013

playing bill bailey's wife

i'll do the cooking honey, i'll pay the rent......

cajoling an architect into believing that drafting a clothes pattern is the same as drafting a house plan.

the image i wanted him to draft,
never mind the sulking  model

fell in love with it and thought this fabric would  work well. actually, it's  a take on a kosode, don't you think?

i finally got husband san to draft the schematic pattern. he still doesn't see it and keeps wondering how i'll get the back. gave him the shoulder measurement  and what i think i need to do now is scale that to my measurements re shaping it. the kamikaze seamstress strikes again.
sewing people ideas most welcome! 

weaving the ai-kakishibu yardage progressing happily

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, January 24, 2013

knit knit who's there?

my pal rubi is organizing a knit along.wanna join? just for fun.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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