
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

fudge factor, knowledge transfer and less is more

a mouthful of a title indeed! but it's where i am at now.
first fudging. i was getting some bad lifts with my dobby loom thus slowing me down.
fudging around with the cords didn't help and i had to manually push the lift knife back. not very efficient.  so i tried the less is more axiom which meant loosening the cords. voila! the knife returned to the optimal position by itself, no hand helping.

now on  for knowledge transfer:
 starting with  polanyi  and his theories on tacit knowledge:

 Tacit knowledge comprises a range of conceptual and sensory information and images that can be brought to bear in an attempt to make sense of something (see Hodgkin 1991). Many bits of tacit knowledge can be brought together to help form a new model or theory...... 

 unwritten, unspoken and hidden; in other words, you know things you don't know you know or cannot articulate them.

......To hold such knowledge is an act deeply committed to the conviction that there is something there to be discovered. It is personal, in the sense of involving the personality of him who holds it, and also in the sense of being, as a rule, solitary; but there is no trace in it of self-indulgence. The discoverer is filled with a compelling sense of responsibility for the pursuit of a hidden truth, which demands his services for revealing it.

then looking into how knowledge transfer works. most examples and models deal with the economic world, but the principles are valid in other fields as well. the process is more or less described as this:

 idea creation, sharing, evaluation, dissemination, and adoption.

imagine where we'd be now if the first one who discovered fire had not transfered that knowledge?
fascinating topic!

lovely reads:
Richard Sennet: The craftsman

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

chugging along


not too much to say except that this is weaving at a nice pace. the stripe is giving me some concern as  the yarn is much thicker that the rest. should have -note the spelling- sleyed it 1-0-1 instead to avoid abrasion.but i really wanted that burlapy look in silk.
my pal rubi is setting up a knit-along , she already sent the pattern so here i go.she also wrote a very rational stash justification post. as if textilians needed justification!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, January 21, 2013

dyeing and what iffing

4 bunches

lovely people my green grocers.dyed this organzine with 1 bunch of carrot tops i had  and gave me a blah endive yellowy greeny. went to them and asked if they had some carrot tops to give away. they produced 3 bunches! and three bunches gave this deep greeny yellow.the organzine was mordanted in 2 teaspoons alum dissolved in 5 liters of water.
i had already skeined and mordanted 2 skeins that i wanted to dye with a modifier to make 2 stripes in the future warp.but in the bliss of not having any bs occupying my mind i started whatiffing.

whatiftwo skeins wound as for shibori, but euca leaves 
on,between,under and all the possible prepositions.
looking for a mottled color  effect more than leaf 
imprints. i'm confident these will be the handsomest stripes ever :)

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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