
Thursday, January 03, 2013

just two things

trying not to be over ambitious i intend to concentrate on just two things this year:
learning how to make good  cinemagraphs and  getting proficient at machine knitting.
the rest will take care of itself.

sorry folks, i'm not allowing anonymous comments anymore. pretty sick of spam and for the benefit of 3 or 4 - hi family!- for which i kept it and they never comment......

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

trooping the colors again

3 colors

not all has been wining and dining in my household. there has been some working too. tackled the cherry baths that had been previously heated and the green matter discarded. the baths were kept outside with day temps around 10-12ºC. no odd growth was noticed.
 bottled water was added to the twig bath then heated until simmer for almost two hours. the resulting color  was very concentrated! then i added   two skeins of alum mordanted  tram silk . they both came out as nº 1. so i took them out, split the bath in two and to the second one i added half a teaspoon soda ash.i got nº 2, a very rich sienna.
nº 3 is an odd warp chain of silk doupioni, no mordant.  although the bath still had some color it was not as bright and saturated.i have another silk skein languidly dyeing there with no heat.
today i am mordanting  2 skeins of silk organzine that  are going to be dyed in the other half of the bath without soda ash.and threading some more. the warp is roughly half threaded!

happy new year to all!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, December 27, 2012

boxing day

controlled gluttony:

the view

octopus     mussels 
octopus galician style                   steamed mussels                        

                                         fried sardines                             white wine

 then  last night we watched a documentary on lapland. we longed for the snow.

  neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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