
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

time rewarded

silk skeins
if i or anyone else had doubts they should be shed. everything is about time: love, life, crafts,weaving.....
  my own processed kakishibu, aged for over 4 years yielding beautiful color. these skeins have various dips,forgot to count, but it is  actually the uva rays effect that gives those colors. no modifiers have been added yet. the silk has not been degummed either. bryan -san explains here some things that were an intuition for me. i have been quietly dyeing  un-degummed doupioni silk for a while with no adverse results. quietly because this goes against all general knowledge and i did not want to start a battle in the dyeing forums ^_^
this silk will be combined with ai, of course, for a warp for this winter weaving.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, July 09, 2012

delayed accomplishment- this is fashion because i say so(IV)

ff! the fabric. the warp from hell no mo'.
the whole process of dyeing and weaving, including computer mishaps,almost took a year. something like the escorial of textiles because of the time both took to get finished.
then came drafting the pattern because there was not enough width for the butterick pattern i intended to use.
and finally sewing the top.top2

i cut up a silk shibori scarf that was never going to go anywhere and used it as facing.
the fabric has iridescence and does not photograph well. it wears well though ^_^
now on with the rest of the drafting-sewing!

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

on my way to the fourth


three toiles later each one slightly improved from the previous and i still do not get what i want.
i want a scoop neck bodice to attach to this skirt and make a dress from this fabric.
drafting the bodice  pattern block was relatively easy, especially after getting my patternmaster ruler.
if you want to draft your patterns do yourself a big favor and get one.
ambition  always blinds me and attaching the bodice to fit the skirt, especially when it has side panels is more than a challenge to my present skills.
perseverance, perseverance. hoping to get it before summer ends. after all it is a summer dress.

happy 4th to ya'll in the u.s.!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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