
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the book and the laces

coversea and sky

olives and wheatlavender fields

now that the book is in the hands of the intended owner  here are the handwoven nettle pages .
i am really enjoying this series because among other considerations it all ties up together rather nicely.
i think it's about color, friendship and life's surprises with la belle provence as background.
if you remember this this is one of the laces in the title. i know vero does crochet and i wanted to try crocheting myself just to add a touch to her book :).

the other lace is this one.

i was getting bored with the blanket and added more texture to the weaving.who am i kidding?? i am dying to finish this number and this  texture weaves very fast! i need to start sewing my summer  clothes.

turning a page, i am very annoyed with the latest blogger idea that of redirecting your page and adding your country to your url at the end if you are publishing at blogspot. this they say is because blah,blah,blah. they believe in free speech but are redirecting blogs so that content appears selectively depending on the country viewing.
bottom line i think that  google is  covering their back and protecting their future market: china.
see their new content policies here , a good objective explanation from an independent party here
 and  problem solving  here
IQ84 ichi kyu hachi yon anyone?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, March 19, 2012

time out with friends


vero was in barcelona for, among other things, the patchwork festival in sitges  and i tagged along.
you'll see all the greats in her photos because i was so dumb as to leave my camera home.
some pretty good works were exhibited among them those of carol taylor which were hands down my faves.
i wanted to go back after lunch and revisit them, but too bad the shows wrapped up at lunchtime which is 3 o'clock here.

 not being a quilter myself i  got some quilt education from vero as she was pointing the strong and weak points of some of the works. in one of the venues a gentleman was doing some knitting with a very exciting yarn and a hoard of ladies were hovering around shamelessly slipping back into 12 year old mode. the mode at its most gracious included taking endless photos posing using him  as a prop ( the prop) and  at its worst uncontrollable giggling. i was overcomed by a feeling of pity and spanish shame ( shame on behalf of others) and as i speak english
i decided to  approached the table fielding the mass to liberate him for at least a couple of seconds.

kaffee falset
kaffee fasset patchwork

 i had some questions about the yarn which he graciously answered talking for a while about knitting yarns. i asked the naughty question about machine knitting and we chatted briefly about that. i walked away feeling virtuous and informed. when i reached the girls( my girls) vero pointed out the gentleman was the kaffe fassett guy.  DUH! the venue was showing kaffee falsett patchwork quilts so i could have inferred it. such is life for the ignoranti!

after that we then left vero's daughter, amandine, parked with a book and an aperò and went on to try to do our share to help the economy at the vendor's hall. i again left feeling very virtuous because of my modest purchases.
the day was a blend of glorious early spring weather, good food, lots of visual stimuli, inspiration  and great company. no one can ask for more. except perhaps  for world peace.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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