
Thursday, March 15, 2012

the whys of never saying never

 digital knitting

yesterday's weaving was going well albeit boring. my mind started pondering what ifs and i changed the treadling  somewhat making it more open and lacy- photos tomorrow.
once my mind starts on a what if mode it  becomes difficult to set limits. 
in short: i had refrained from joining ravelry until yesterday because i  already was in too many communities. but somehow looking for instructions on a knitting pattern i came upon the  ravelry portal and without doing much thinking i clicked the enticing join button.

my intention is not to go the handknitting route the basics of which i learned while living in italy, thus knowing how to knit ony in italian. i intend joining one of the machine knitting groups and see if i can forward my skills. 
meanwhile knitting digitally with fractals.
however, no, i won't join neither tweeter nor pinterest.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

combating boredom with color

color stage

lots and lots of it. the lap blanket is starting to look like a mexican blanket and there's yet more color to come. i'm just with the blues now. it's a very regular repeat pattern so it can get boring doing the lifts by hand.
waiting(more of it, seems waiting sessions are multiplying) for the loom adapter to come so i can go back to the dobby loom and weave the silk yardage. remember?
dying to dye, but with husband san around and his health stresses i'm thinking twice and that stresses me out !
luckily spring is hinting goodbye to winter blues.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

of objects and life- an ides of march post

yesterday  by one of those internet chances i fell  in front of the chateau above. the beauty is called e chateau de  digoine  located in  burgogne region world famous for its wines.
apparently the last owner either died without descendants or is feeling the economic crunch as everyone else on the planet.
and here comes the sad part. after centuries of collecting, the contents are being auctioned and will inevitably be scattered. 

because of  my love for cooking and cooking equipment it broke my heart to see the beautiful copper kitchen  kit  that is going to be sold and dispersed. 
moreover the  the house linens  will also  be auction fodder. textilian me could not remain untouched  after seeing the photo of old linens and lace. 
consequently this  made me ponder if not the meaning of life, at least the meaning of -let's call it- collecting. 

i could go on detailing the toys, silverware and other  objects that served the inhabitants of the chateau and conformed their universe. 
the bottom line is that is more or less  the path our belongings will take when we are gone. most likely our descendants will not be interested in our collections, yarn stash, looms and other paraphernalia. then why the accumulation? 

the auction will take place on march 22 and 23 in paris.
here's the link to the  auction catalog full of very beautiful objects, furniture paintings, silver  and  linens.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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