
Thursday, December 22, 2011

may the lights

may the lights of christmas and hanukkah  shine bright and bring joy to you.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

To sleep, perchance to dream:

rembrant bananas

 — ay, there's the rub; -hamlet act III

indeed. for those of us who have trouble sleeping i was given a good solution. eat a banana about 45 min 1 hour before going to bed.
i can vouch for it, been sleeping like a lass. another thing is that most likely i'll put on some weight. but i rather be happy and plump than plump ,cranky and totally neurotic because of sleep deprivation.

turning a page.
went back to the old blogger interface. was sick of not finding stuff in the new dashboard.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, December 19, 2011

dyeing variables

mordant yarn

dyeing with natural dyestuff  is both irritating and fun. not to mention unpredictable.
proof is in the photo. the silk yarn on the left was from the  alum mordant batch  dyed last year using pomegranate rinds and left seeping in the liquor for some unaccounted time.
the one on the right was mordanted using liles method of alum, cream of tartar and tin all in one pot.he says is very good for yellows so i gave it a shot. the color it gave me is not ugly, but can't compare to the one i got last year.
there are so many variables to consider besides the mordant: the water, this year's crop of fruit, the time spent in the liquor , the quantities of dyestuff used.
it's a well known fact that overdyeing is a cure for disappointments.

happy monday!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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