
Friday, October 28, 2011

raining here too

but not with so much anthology of movie rain moments by arte, the european cultural t.v. channel

have a good dry weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, October 27, 2011

this is the end my friends.


when the little knots touch the heddle eyes. i could get 10-15 cms more, perhaps 20, but the knots start  getting tangled and life's too short.
friday i'll start re tieing and re sleying as this warp was 2 ends x dent on a 4 ends xcm  reed.
next one'll be my regular silk @20 2nds x cm. still for sampling crepes .
i had to drag myself from the computer because alice's crepe action is absolutely addictive.
i love actions for photos ( can't you tell ?) and actions for weaving are, well, beyond words.

my excitement aside from combining geekery and weaving is because the resulting weaves are ideal for wearables.and i'm on a mission of stash reducing and making my own clothes.
rebellious  little me wants to wear what i want not what i can find in stores.

in a nutshell the action transforms colors into  matrices that can be woven.

jean crepe

i got this crepe from the 12x12 matrix on the side doubled to fit a 24 shaft pplan . three pattern repeats are  illustrated.

jean2 big
the matrix was created  from a medium grayish blue,
 like worn jeans, but not too distressed. i've found  most colors in the mid values yield good weavable results and the pure values do not seem to work for me.

the verry good news is that since it's a textual kind of weaving you do not need gazzilion shafts, you can work them with the multiples of 4.
 (alice correct me if i'm wrong because math is not my thing.)
you can download the action and the crepe overlay from her blog.

 i warned you. it's an addictive process.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, October 26, 2011



this is the hilarious way english is spoken here  in jest. remember in grade school when we pretended to speak french by ending all words in an accented è? well here the joke is adding ing to words ergo bicing, sofing, vueling...
 so i am sampling-that's english!-using the leftover silk warp and i'm creping-that's spanglish-using alice's crepe structures as a springboard. the first one in the photo from the bottom is with a same grist silk yarn and the second one with a much thinner yarn. plan to use a crepe yarn too and if i have enough warp maybe my fine 48/2 merino. let's see how it all reacts after wet finishing. after this i'll rewarp with a much finer silk and do it all again . then on to study the difference.

don't be impressed, i'm doing all this as a delay tactic. have to finish re thereading the dobby(still) and make up my mind whether to leave this as a scarf or use it as inset  panels for a top. it's already finished, but  haven't  wet finished it yet as the use will dictate whether to twist the fringe or cut it. and as every weaver knows, twisting the fringe comes before wet finishing. you don't want to know how i learned that simple truth.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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