
Monday, July 18, 2011

flip flop nation

 spanish moss

hadn't been to the states in 11 years and the changes are noticeable. for one people  in general are much more aware that they share the planet with other people. also there is less reckless buying binges, perhaps due to the economy, but i think it goes deeper than that.
sizes have shrunk in cars as well as in items at the supermarket. an individual yoghurt doesn't feed a family anymore and a toothpaste tube stopped being a landing strip. air con is set at a comfortable temp, not a  freeze to death one .

on the not so positive side i noticed a general tendency towards the unkempt and dishevelled. people walk around with mismatched wrinkled clothes and flip flops. little care is  spent  in personal grooming. and this is across the board, not only in the younger set, everywhere whether it be a mall, the airport or a restaurant.
i'm not saying that one has to be "in gowns", one can wear jeans,  a nice shirt with  a belt  and look smart. but an occasional comb through the hair, a hair or beard trim, some color coordination is not going to hurt.
i have gained a new understanding of the style blogs i frequent. they are rebels going against the grain!
is it just  because it was  in florida?? i wonder what has happened.

neki desu

Creative Commons License

Monday, June 13, 2011

yards and yards

cotton yardage

seems like occupational therapy, which is more or less what it is. have gathered less than a third of the total and it it not tight yet, just gathered.the color is nice and soft, but thinking that after tightening i'll dunk it again in brazilwood to pump it a bit before painting mordants to shift the color. problem is ( remember when there were problems and not issues?) that i'm traveling to the states due to family issues(irony intended) and won't be around to check the pot.even sun dyeing needs  to be watched.
posting will be irregular during this week as i'm rushing to get things done before leaving. it will hopefully be resumed from my sister's provided there are textile news.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

not much textiles

make a gif

happening. its cold again. very cold, even snowed in the pyrenees.and wet and gray. i'm beta testing the new seamless studio application at color lovers. i and many others. so basically these are what i'm doing. these and the annual med check ups. and in this kind of weather. yes, i'm cranky.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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