
Thursday, May 05, 2011

did i say woohoo?

apologies for the photo as it has not a thing to do with the post. it does have something to do with the spirit of this blog because it's netting albeit construction.come to think of this it does have to do with the post and i am digressing.

update on noruway no mori.: loved the movie, much more than the book and this is the first time this happens to the lit major here. the book is a series of ellipses and i got lost more than often. being  visual the cinematographic language resolves ellipses well.

the second piece of news is pretty wonderful to all of those who have a blogger blog. go here  to get the nuts and bolts.
but the fun and games is for everyone. if you're a reader here is something for you. you can choose how to read and what look feel you want from the blogs you follow.
in a nutshell append the word  view to the end of the url and there you have it! you are taken to a dashboard with the title of the blog. to the right there's a blue button with a dropdown box. there you'll find the available looks.choose and pick.
caveat: provided the blog owner has enabled it in the settings.

i have so check it out and have fun :D

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

looks like a tropical drink

 but it is brazilwood liquid from the pot, where the linen stole is resting, to which i added a squeeze of lemon. fell in love with the color!!! sort of fluo salmon pink. but you know the saying about the devil  and how he  pokes the eyes of his loved ones....

here we go. i thought that  bit of heat would not harm it  so the skein was brought inside and put in a pot to simmer. it didn't quite get to simmering and i turned the fire off. left it overnight and repeated again. and in the process the lovely bright salmon pink got browned by the heat. the moral of the story is clear, isn't it? it's not an awful color, but the other one was prettier and clearer. this one is very much like the madder colors i got last year.

on the home front. i survived yet another barça- madrid the last one fortunately. this year because of the calandar they met 4 yes 4!! times almost consecutively. and madrid's coach generated such an incredible amount of bad vibes that even people from madrid were sick of him. as if we needed more angst . this is me talking about soccer, i who couldn't care less so you can imagine  the  general situation. anyhow for those interested barça won last night and will be in the champion's final in wembley playing against the man united methinks.

after all the deluge of testosterone i needed something girlie so today i went for a haircut. pleased to death with the outcome. and tomorrow i'm treating  myself  to ノルウェイの森  aka norwegian wood
the movie based on murakami's eponymous novel.

let's see if i can get back to work now.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


spring chives

yesterday i bought  pink  and an  orange daturas and a clematis jackmanii  as a replacement for the one which didn't make it to spring.
but really look at my chives!! they haven't been so beautiful in ages, so it's tit for tat.
apart from enjoying looking at them here's a specialty from my kitchen:

  • slice one big zucchini per person paper thin.
  • put olive oil in a frying pan and heat.
  • sauté the slices until light brown.
  • add a generous squeeze of lemon juice and chopped walnuts.
  • a drop or two of tabasco for a spice kick.
  • chop a generous amount of chives. sprinkle them on the zucchini off the flame and serve.
optional: add grated grana padano or parmiggiano. you could substitute for cubed goat cheese for a more pungent taste.
you can serve as starter or accompanying a chicken or lamb course. don't forget to have a dry chilled white  such as rueda with it.

lots of planting for today.
and some weaving in the afternoon.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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