
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

on sewing resources

now that i'm on a mission of stash reducing by weaving fabric i'm keeping an eye on patterns and related paraphernalia. did i say stash reducing? one of my wishes is to be as minimalistic and  frugal as  the oriental people. well, at least before the chinese economic miracle.but i digress.

i have come across a myriad of interesting sewing resources that i'll share. yes!! it's all 'bout sharing (^_^)

directly from  my pal Rubi's sideboard a  sewing blog .she's not only a fun read, but also a wealth of resources.

perusing the internet-sounds more importantly serious than surfing doesn't it?- found the new to me neu mode patterns- pardon the redundancy. i liked  the patterns i saw because they are more tailored and with less flounces and frills than burda's. also the styling looks well, more stylish-this is getting to be a redundancy competition. i'm sure vero already knows about them.

 relative to style if  you go for julian roberts  someone along those lines, but a tad more wearable IMO is marcy tilton. besides her patterns her web also has fabrics, cool silk screens for surface design and some very  good tutorials.
i am hoping that at some point my long rectangular knitted things can be turned into something wearable like one of her skirts. sigh.

now i only have to finish this morning's set of errands and sit at the loom. 3 meters of loom controlled shibori are waiting to happen.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i can do plastic too ! II

refrain jpg

a detour from all the natural wholesomeness. laminated plastic on poly organza, puff paint, iridescent paints- my much beloved golden interference oxide green no longer manufactured-and machine stitching.there's a border coming up, but the concept still needs to be tightened up.btw the dark background is not part of the piece, it is just redundantly  the background.
cleaning now and doing errands later today, pay offs for being away.the weather is still yucky. not missing much ru-chan (^_^)

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, April 25, 2011

awol but not idle


machine knitted linen shawl

went to tarragona. the weather was yucky, but the food was never disappointing. uploaded some photos here. because the light conditions were not ideal i spend a lot of time dinging with the hrd setting of my camera.think i like it.

back home and full of energy and ideas. yucky weather too. poor people who had the week off and had made reservations at a beach place!
i stayed inside and produced the first controlled distress knitted number that you can see above. love knitting linen!!the baby's going to be dyed with brazilwood which is already steeping in alcohol.
brazilwood being good and patient and waiting a week for it to develop. i'm using caesalpina sappan, but apparently most of the brazilwood around
is caesalpina echinata which gives lighter colors.

the table loom is already warped but i broke one of the tieing cords and will have to go buy more tomorrow. managed to sample a bit before it broke and the weft is going to be a 30/1 cotton. one inch sample and it   bulged and collapsed in water. (^_^)
the louet is slowly being threaded. it is so stressful and messy to add heddles to a  half threaded loom. life's too short so i de threaded added the $%&** heddles and started threading again.anger management courses should use looms as part of their therapy.i also have to take it slow because i'm pretty much terrified to hurt my cervicals .

working on some plastics too. more about that tomorrow.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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