
Thursday, April 07, 2011



sometimes when you think you know it all the  universe gives you a jolt and you fall back into place.
after years and years of weaving i'm short of heddles. if that's not weaving 101 what is it then?
put all in halt and ordered some more heddles. in the meantime because i want to weave i'm warping this overtwisted 20 cotton singles and feeling  grateful i kept my table loom. it weaves 80 cms so  the table part  is relative.

also pondering that it seems like the world is being conducted by 25 year olds with too big paychecks and too little life exposure - don't want to say experience, but you understand.
there's a trend of mending or changing  what works perfectly well thus creating havoc and all sorts of malfunctions.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011



 it is very satisfactory to make something out of the samples. any sample. maybe  that's why i've never been keen about sampling at the loom. too much work, wasted yarn and time. not very effective way to gain knowledge methinks , although hats off to Cally Booker sample queen extraordinaire.

going back to machine knitting i am forced to sample because i am teaching myself and cannot assume that a yarn that i know from weaving will act the same way when knitted.if there are two terms it means that yarns act different. learned from sampling that loosely spun cotton will knit( at least mk) in a bias that blocking won't remedy.


also finished. aphids
the little critters that were hurting my plants.
decided to park ecology and go all the way with a
vile critter effacer.apparently they were laughing out loud at the neem oil . after i sprayed the plants i checked and they were covered with tinygrains as if it were sand!

to celebrate i might treat myself to coffee and croisants here. what she says in the review  about the atmosphere take it with a grain of salt. it is the atmosphere that really makes the place.
and i consider myself  lucky to have it in my neighborhood

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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