
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

lying low


taking it easy, doing low impact work and very little computer. got inspired to do some dyeing using onion skins. the silk bourette knit was scoured and mordanted in alum and then dyed. the color turned out fierce, but i'm planning to overdye with ai, inspired by susan 糸で( ito de).
having fun imagining the outcome. stitching a second piece from the annotations series and the cloth on the loom is finally done!!!!! wet finishing today.
the weather's changing.cold front ahead.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, January 17, 2011

the internet sisterhood

 silk knit

thank you all for your good wishes,  made me feel  accompanied in my predicaments. the incredible deb lacativa sent me this link with a simple exercise which cured my discomforts. i can now wait for my appointment with the osteopath without feeling miserable.amazing how such a simple, absolutely non invasive treatment can be so effective. look ma, no pills!

some stitching being done and lots of other activities that imply head down. like giving a go to the knitting machine.finished the silk bourette scarf above and i'm waiting for dyeing inspiration for a shibori dye number.
and the while waiting :) found this one that was stopped after it grunged out, meaning dropped stitches and holes.then  tried the ai vat last summer and came out less than satisfactory.

it was already so grungy that a bit more wasn't going to make a big i jumped on the bandwagon of wrapped leaves and stuff. and something always comes out of that. it's a good size sample so let's see where or how it ends.

can't stretch computer time too much or i start getting discomfort signals. off i go before signals become pain.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, January 14, 2011

random posting


having cervical problems with the well known vertigo and nausea symptoms. can't do much computer work, actually i'm scared to sit at it because as soon as i do  the room starts spinning.  waiting for the osteopath's appointment.

funnily, stitching is fine, no dizziness or discomfort when i bend the neck down. therefore, not being one who's comfortable lying around , i'm working this series on annotations weavers use to represent their world.
i'm stitching on woven fabric, gifted  mill samples, and  lutradur printed with weave structures  which are stitched  with the usual conventions such as dots, crosses, slashes etc.

i'm having fun , as long as i don't have to stand up suddenly. then the room starts swirling around.
coincidentally i came across this .
great ideas for using the vinatge embroidery charts i published this week.

have a good weekend. and those suffering from cabin fever too.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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