
Wednesday, January 05, 2011


olive drab
good olive drab

the last skein, this one treated with copper sulphate (GASPHORRORSHOCK)!!
getting real here i don't think that an amount close to a  grain  of rice is going to kill the planet and life, animal, plant or human. it's the same amount that you get from using scrap metal and ammonia, but somehow that seems and looks's almost impossible  for me to find scrap metal on the sidewalk in my town, perhaps others are luckier. i could stand in watch for elderly people though, push them on the floor and run away with their walkers. but that has some minor inconveniences such as the material walkers are made of and ultimately the risk of  jail. LOL!! 
seriously now, i'm going to keep doing my dyeing in the same responsible way, but i'm not going to be intimidated by the dyeing talibans anymore.

multicoloredmore dyeing, but of a different kind.did my usual
san silvestro cleaning on new years day.
lots and lots of throwing away making space for whatever the new year brings literally and figuratively.
some surprises in that mythical bottom drawer such as this silk scarf from my very early shibori days.

on the loom. if i get going i might be able to finish
the gray beige fabric this weekend.

for those celebrating epiphany andt the maggi, la befana or any such traditions be good and go to bed early. let's see what presents you get tomorrow.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

the attraction of the beach in winter

christmas day at the beach
xmas day at the beach

doing the blog rounds and catching up. looks like many of us spent either xmas day or new year's day at the sea side, can't think of a better way . moreover there's something downright naughty about it :)

but this is about what i found at some of my favorites during  unplug time.

santa brought me a new digi cam and i'm getting used to it. still find the 16:9 aspect ratio awkward.
all of this to say that today's post had to be turned around as the photos are trapped inside the cam while the battery is charging.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, January 03, 2011

blog breaks are productive

second dye

 left first extraction right second extraction

i've been dyeing silks for the summer top fabric this time using carrot tops. silks were mordanted using 5 gr alum +5gr cream of tartar. carrot tops were simmered for an hour and then the hirakami silk and one shantung skein were dyed. the color obtained was yellow green in various shades.

first dyehirakami silk

   shantung                                                 hirakami silk

the shantung in the photo is a bit greener, but not as green as the hirakami silk.

the loot

another skein,left  on the photo, was dyed in a second extraction. this one turned a beautiful bronze green.
note: the second extraction was simmered for a longer period and i think that brought out a lot of yellow. this will have to be kept in mind if you want a  greener shade.
these shades will complement the murasaki shades i got last  november. can't wait to finish what's on the loom!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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