
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

talk about handmade pride

 the slumber
the quiet slumber

the trip to the cava (scroll down the link until you find cava)cellar was an educational experience.

Recaredo is a small family business which is mainly concerned in elaborating-they say it's different from producing- a high quality wine. at their organic vineyards, they hand pick the grapes and follow the rhythms of nature, yet the there's a lot of  high tech involved in the elaboration . i personally found the mix interestingly intoxicating, no pun here. their output is medium size small and it is nurtured and cherished as a firstborn child as it has been for three generations.

the cellar held quite a few remarkable things. 
the man in charge of the dégorgement fell in the awe inspiring category. with a swift movement, he pulled out the cork so that the sediment would come out, sniffed the bottle to check for defects in the wine and put the bottle on the conveyor belt-all in less than10 seconds.he was trained for two years so that he could carry on this synchronized performance.i noticed that the conveyor belt that carries the bottles was going at human speed and mentioned it to our host. he said it could be programed to go faster, but there was no point in doing that, as it had to go at the workers pace. hear! hear!
the men who turn the bottles were also trained for years to carry on their task and the men working the vines have also been with the firm  for a long time.
everyone is part of the process  and feel proud of what they elaborate.
you can taste that in every bottle.

their cavas are elegant, graceful and full of dignity,that being a reflection from honest practices.i found fascinating the fact that a quality such as dignity could be sensed by  the taste buds. time is also picked up by the taste buds. the youngest wine has been aged 30 months and their longest aged 120 months. there's no  need to rush a good wine, as it will only get better with time.
moreover  there is no addition of sugar or sweet liquor so all their cavas are brut nature-no extras added ; all  the components of taste, adequate acidity  and carbonic gas are obtained by and during the elaboration process.

for someone like me who is a handmade advocate finding them has taught me that those values that i hold dear can be reproduced at a bigger scale, yet maintaining's about quality, integrity and honesty. and if you can make money with that, then happy dance!
one more thing i can say: if you happen to find a bottle of their cava grab it and treat yourself. you won't be disappointed. au contraire!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, December 13, 2010

old rockers die hard-trust me

and kakishibu

whomever said it was spot on. thanks to all you wonderful folks for your good wishes! i must realize i'm not 20 anymore and the bod is going to take longer recouping.i had to grab a dose of patience and stay in bed. some reading got done, lots of  hot tea drinking and by day 3 i was already doing some occupational therapy work in ironic that sounds!

the photo is this weaving project which got transformed into this and now it has become the above patted with kakishibu. are you still with me?a few more steps and it will be done. i'm praying for much needed  sun.

by the weekend i was already full steam again  and  i managed to make this number.
in spite of my being sick i'm  very pleased
with how it turned out.  for the first and perhaps last time i'll include a link , click here for more info.i was also able to finish a book which will be posted sometime during this week-nothing like a good rest to get going again!

now i have to do what didn't get done during downtime :)
however, tomorrow i'm off to sant sadurni d' anoia
for a cava sampling tour. i promise to be good and report.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, December 06, 2010

out of commission

sneeze sneeze sneeze.cough cough cough.
be back asap.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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