
Monday, November 01, 2010

what i do on loom breaks

aizome cotton itajime summer 010

i sometimes dye, others book and other times that way at the end of the day i feel i have accomplished  lots.
the cotton was indigo dyed this summer and stored away until better times. i find autumn a very stitch conductive season, don't ask me why, and most of my stitching is done in autumn. perhaps it is because  as a season it is more reflexive and relaxed. not adrenaline heavy as summer.

this cloth is at its early stages and i will be showing its progress. the words were stitched in chain stitch creating a very natural handwriting. have you too found that writing on the computer has altered your handwriting?

 those of you of a certain age do you remember the song volare?there was also a  rock  of some sort version by bobby rydell. so anyway  nel blu dipinto di blu.....( up in the sky painted blue)
aracne please correct!!!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, October 29, 2010

an obs*es/si*on


with the perfect selvedge. even if it's going to be cut off. it's one of those inexplicable things, perhaps because of the view it gives when weaving. i think the best compliment, especially if coming from another weaver, is that your selvedges are good.

silk shuttle

my japanese silk shuttle a simple elegant tool as all things japanese and  works very well on narrow looms such as mine.

silk and wool shuttles

then there is the wool shuttle. it is amazing what the small tug of the spring does.

but what i'm really obsessed with is the lack of bon ton bon goût of most males in this country.
these gentlemen(?)seem to aim at setting the clock back to pre constitutional times.
shame on you perez reverte. and you're not a politician you're an intellectual.

 have a good weekend.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

too much excitement chez moi

dyed and textured

                                                                   high drama

i'll start with the lesson learned  first and proceed backwards: don't throw away your boiled chestnut water.
two days ago i boiled some chestnuts to make my take on kuri gohan. the water had a nice woody color and i thought to give it a go and see what happened. luckily i had an alum mordanted  hirakami silk skein from which i warped 20 ends and dunked them in the water.i simmered the threads for an hour and i got this fool proof color
 actual colors, notice the texture of the hirakami silk
 which combines heavenly with my next warp.

this morning while taking the photo i thought about being redundant and using the photo of  the fabric i'm weaving as a textured background for the yarn photo. you can see the resulting photo above. in my quest against scattering it is very  promising to be able to use weaving as photo textures.

not bad for starters. over morning coffee the gadgeteer in me found out the perfect alibi to shell some dosh and make steve jobs even  richer. i had been resisting the i phone spiel on principle.but after reading this i made up my mind to want one(link via purple podded pea ) apparently it's a trend for the trendy and artsy if you dare call david hockney that.

and to swathe all this adrenaline in clothing the weaving is coming along just dandy. dare i ask for more?

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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