
Friday, September 17, 2010

then and now-recapitulation

una de guapos

god how young we were!

she expresses it better.then

and even better now.

have a great weekend!

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, September 16, 2010

view from my warping board

paisely weavers union flag

the photo is crummy, but it holds so much that the crumminess goes unnoticed. this is the paisley weavers trade union flag housed  at the paisley museum in scotland.
the town of paisley is textile history in itself and its weavers were an interesting lot . i was told at the museum that they were owners of their looms, therefore they were a step up the industrial ladder as they were not slave weavers. yet their union was highly organized, strong and combative.  among its  achievements they were able to pass  a resolution establishing a board of trade which would in turn  fix minimum wages. 
these were the  same weavers who wove the shawl.

their motto was/ is simple and beautiful "weave truth with trust". it is a reminder and a source of inspiration for me. the sub text  is also worth noting: united we stand divided we fall.    
let's not forget we come from here.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

weaving conductive weather at last


 my weaving cold turkey symptoms are soon to be over. the studio is livable again and while the scarves are batching i am planning some fabric for a top. the colors and yarns are definitely wintry, if i work well i can have it woven and sewn for this winter. 
the yarns are 48/2 merino in charcoal and medium greys as warp and silk as weft. what i have not decided yet is whether i want a wabi  top in a somewhat lightish indigo dyed silk or with more flavor using a madder dyed silk as weft.  yes, i know sample, sample, but i'm not cally booker ;-) one of the sample queens of the weaving world.
this is going to be a top and wearing mileage is expected . the structure has to be subdued  nothing flashy and tiring yet  that does not mean boring. i have been making some dithered drafts following the liftplan connection procedures and i've come up with a couple of interesting ones. decisions,decisions, but first i have to make the  warp chains, rinse the scarves and do the second layer on them.

a big public thank you for the people♥♥♥ who answered my botan bake call.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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