
Monday, March 08, 2010

loss of innocence

 seems that i can't close my wishful thinking mode because i want to believe all this weirdness will have to end sooner or later. yes we're happy when our blogs'  traffic grows. and it's comforting for the ego.
but that also means spam and weired followers. people who do not really care for textiles or what you do or say. i do not understand what they gain following. perhaps an in to see if your blog can get hijacked and used as a there is money involved i can see the lack of ethics and basic decency.
i suggest you delve deeper into your google analitycs.i was shocked with the filthy terms and keywords that were used to  browse through my blog. the last days of feb and beginning of march were notorious.
as jude of spirit cloth  recently commented :
"it might be nice to know what you are being associated with."

all's not lost as there are ways to curb it. you can find more about it here

and folks this is real time snow in barcelona march 8 at 2:30pm. i can hear you snowbirds cracking up. but this is the med!!!
it's not stopping so will go out and video it. more later.

Addendum: just be very careful as there are massive hijack attacks on blogs going on.
do not install any gadgets for the time being , as some contain malware codes.
there's a writeup here form one of the regular helpers in the blogger help forums

neki desu

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Friday, March 05, 2010

all that's good and beautiful comes in stages

remember this photo? i usually just link to already published photos. however this merits a side by side.
the silk scarf here with shibori ties had been dyed with pomegranates. it was cured for a month or so .

then more ties were added reserving some parts of the pomegranate dyed layer and it was further overdyed with onion skins. good winter dye, at least over here because my greengrocers save the skins of newly picked onions for me. although there must be some kind of fever going on as Jenny Dean also posted about onion skin dyeing some weeks ago.

pleased with the nice rich rust color. will cure until the summer for a possible indigo finale.   :)

i always resize the photos to 700 pixels and upload to flickr   for convenience sake. this one is the exception as it is absolutely heavy porn. delight yourselves with the crepe texture/structure of the silk scarf, i left it at  a 2592 res.

ps. is anyone else getting comments from weird blogs or is it just me?

have a great weekend!

neki desu

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Thursday, March 04, 2010

design principle#83


All design endeavors express the zeitgeist.

Mathew Frederick

image generated with this  and the post processed.

neki desu

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