
Thursday, February 04, 2010

design principle#45

convento de los dominicos

 Three levels of knowing

Simplicity is the world view of a child or uninformed adult, fully engaged
in his own experience and happily unaware of what lies beneath the surface of immediate reality.

Complexity characterizes the ordinary adult view.It is characterized by an awareness of complex systems  in nature and society, but an inability to discern clarifying patterns and connections.
Informed Simplicity is an enlightened view of reality. It is founded upon an ability to  to discern or create clarifying patterns within complex mixtures.

Mathew Frederick

neki desu

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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

the chesire cat


book of holy patience and endurance- pges1-2

getting there but not quite. in my ongoing quest of using my woven samples and integrating practices i have been working on the book of holy patience and endurance.
the fabric is a linen huck weave sample( why does windows doesn't like the word huck?), emphasis on the weave as there is huck embroidery too. i made some table runners as gifts and then found out the receivers were afraid to use them as such and were using them as scarves!
book of holy patience and endurance -detail

i tried to echo the small holes stamping blue paint . 
the holes are also used as "support" 
for parts of the cross stitch.

pages two and three  with a detail. not too sure about the white buttons.                           

book of holy patience  and endurance p3-4
book of holy patience and endurance-detail

"chesire puss would you  tell me please which way i ought  to go from here?
 that happens a good deal where you want to get to. then it doesn't matter which way you go.
-so long as i get somewhere.
oh you're sure to do that if you only walk long enough"

neki desu

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Creative Commons License

Monday, February 01, 2010

caution everyone!!


It seems that something's going on in blogger land. This morning as i was reading one of my blog subscriptions i came across this.
Paranoid me went to her dashboard and could not sign in beceause Blogger had detected suspicious activity ie. spam coming from my blog. Apparently there is a new wave of hijacked blogs that are being used as  splogs .
Pretty freaky when you see the yellow warning and  are denied access to your blog.
i could neither  sign in to my Google account. Luckily i was given the option there to change passwords and it seemed to solve the issue  as you are reading this.
Furthering prophylactic measures i have enabled comment moderation.

Life happens in the most unexpected ways.
Please protect yourselves by changing your settings and  password and scan your computer for trojans.
For further information you can go to the Blogger help forum .

 neki desu

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Creative Commons License


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