
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Taking care of other projects have kept me away from the loom. Not a complain because it has been lots of fun. And as a fringe benefit i was able to use my Chinese calligraphy brush for the first time in over 15 years! Estrenar: such a wonderful word in Spanish! Somehow use for the first time does not convey all the excitement and anticipation of the act itself. Too many labial sounds.

Going back to the loom and getting to the much anticipated 846th pick where the treadling mirrors. Sixty six centimeters woven with a soft silk bourette on a wool warp. My friend Ruth winced when i told her about using hairspray to control the stickiness of the wool. She told me to pump up the tension and and was absolutely right. Of course she's a real weaver who holds a weaving degree, not an impostor like me.
That extra bit of tension adds a minute space to the shed and helps the wool pop down when the shuttle is introduced.
i think my only complain about my magic dobby loom is the small shed. And after years hesitating i recently had husband-san design an extension for it. With a couple of centimeters gained for the shed life will be good and the loom will finally deserve its first name.

Turning a page i still have the walnut hulls in water. Not overly concerned because the weather is chilly, but chilly or not two weeks is a lot of time. Will have to look into that over the weekend.
These gloriously crisp and clear fall mornings with that beautiful mellow light are more conductive to long walks and reflecting rather than working.

Have a great weekend!

neki desu

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

design principle #18


Any design decision should be justified in at least two ways.

Matthew Frederic

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

neki desu

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Monday, October 12, 2009

in the books

book spread
Spent a great deal of the weekend working on this accordion book.The fabric was an UFO to which i added beads and 2 new to me stitches that i learned from here.
The stitches are right up my alley, simple, but with lots of possible variations.

Contrary to common belief i resist spelling things out for people as i see it as being a mixture of arrogance and dis respectfulness. Detailed explanations of the meanings of what i make bother and irritate me at the same time. We all have imagination and as a work leaves the hand of the maker it is the viewer who finishes it.There is no right or wrong interpretation.
That said the accordion book needed a design element that would hint the viewer how to unfold it.
After some thinking i came up with an acceptable solution. page1 A wire knitted tab.

Here are all the pages of the accordion. More details here.

i also went crazy cooking Mexican food over the weekend, enchiladas, chicken tacos and chili con carne which i suspect it to be Tex-Mex. Perhaps my way of saluting October 12th ,Hispanic day here, among other celebrations. Ahh the scent of chopped cilantro!!

Not only of surface design a family lives :)

neki desu

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