
Thursday, August 20, 2009

seriously considering relocation

After a more than wonderful 10 days stay in Asturias. They have everything up there. Beautiful scenery, lovely cool weather, to die for food( gained some kilos) great cider and cider bars, farm fresh produce, daily caught fish. Oh and 200 kinds of cheese. Notice i haven't mentioned meat which is free range(this sounds kind of weird, but you get it) and so are chickens.They have a vibrant cultural life. And they even have a prince.

The pace is sedate, people are soft spoken and you can eat off the sidewalks so clean it is. And the prices are very reasonable.
Now that i can live anywhere because of the Internet i'm beginning to wonder if it pays off to live in the middle of stress, noise and high prices.

If you want to see what i saw go here and enjoy,there's something for everyone :)

neki desu
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Creative Commons License

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the romance of mends


Lots and lots of photos to work on and upload. Lots of things experienced. Lots of messages in 2 overflowing mailboxes. But i wanted touch bases and share these photos as they will interest my stitching friends. These are mends on handkerchief linen. Neither that kind of linen nor that craftsmanship in mending exist anymore. No wonder she didn't have the heart to dispose of it t even though it was threadbare.The linen is a pillow case found at the bottom of the linen drawer at my mother in law's.
Seems that as we gained in comforts and available things we became poorer.

Photos here

neki desu

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Creative Commons License

Saturday, August 01, 2009

little fishies

surface design,image transfer,stitching
Swimming away and flapping good-bye. Been working on surface design and textures.Too hot to do anything else, the last 50 cms on the loom are waiting for cooler times.So are the indigo vats.i'm going away for a week or two to a cooler climate. Sick of being glued to the air.
Until then hope your summer is cool and productive.Will bring back scads of photos :)

neki desu

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Creative Commons License


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