
Friday, October 31, 2008

a weaver under the influence

weft detail&words

It rained for four years eleven months and two days.....
Just like in the Macondo of One Hundred Years of Solitude.

But unlike the effect of the rain in the characters in the novel i am busy and moving. Albeit the BLAH humor. So many consecutive rainy days and not even my hot pink Hello Kitty wanna be Wellies make neither me nor other people chuckle.
The current weaving reflects the colors that have been surrounding me. A tex 100 soft spun light gray wool. Some very random shots of logwood dyed mauvish gray silk tram for sparkle. The actual idea behind is that as the piece will be fulled and felted the silk will slightly kink out. At least in the mind's eye as you can never really tell/sample fulling for sure.i intend exploring loom controlled felting with resist paste. Hope that by the time i finish the weaving the rain will have gone away. If not the piece will be drying forever-no dryer here. Remember i live in sunny Spain. HA!

As a side note i cannot even start to count the ways i love pshopping. The photo above was shot in the worst light conditions with an energy saving light bulb and natural light AWOL .i got the most horrible yellow cast and i hate bad photos in general and of textiles in particular. After so much energy and soul poured into a work then comes a crummy photo and kills the piece.

i added layers by duplicating and corrected the levels by configuring the white and gray with the dropper in each layer and merged them. Then came the tour de force- copy layer, flood fill color light lilac opacity 37% merge mode normal. And flatten.
i got rid of all the horrible color overcast and was able to render the colors as they actually are. At least on my screen. i love correcting lousy photos!

As a closing remark i want to thank all the kind comments received re my previous post.
They got me back to the loom pronto.

neki desu

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a mild disappointment

aizome shawl

That's what my cotton loom controlled shibori shawl turned out to be . The ai came out just o.k.
There was no way to pump it up to deep indigo, so i had to content myself with what i got.
The other issue was the white loosing its pristine color to become dirty wash water as you all can see in the photo.This is strange as indigo works with oxidation and the white was gathered tight so as not to be exposed to the color. i try to fool myself saying that it is an optical illusion, but it just doesn't cut it.
However the kakishibu dyed borders look fine with the blue patterning.
And albeit shrinking a bit the cotton fabric, nice and airy, has a nice hand .

Hmm... maybe another dweller in the bottom drawer taking a time cure?

neki desu
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more finds

More shibori from the bottom drawer.This one is Japanese madder, あかね。First and last time i got such a nice rich color. As you can tell it was dyed more than once.

medallion This one was dyed with mx dyes,as i had not gathered the courage yet to try indigo. It was in the old days. But i do like the olive green side bands with dark blue combination.

i'm recycling work because i'm very busy with an on line course from Fiber-in-form It's a ton of fun, lots of hard playing. If you have a chance run and enroll for the next one.
Also following the on line study group for Find your own visual language book by Jane Dunnewold, Claire Benn and Lesley Morgan. We are working our way through the exercises and the group is very supportive and with a very positive spirit.

You most likely won't see it, but macafee is driving me bonkers with their site protector. It blocks most of the images and all you see is their name. Great for surfing blogs :(
Have tried to block it but no way. Even my own photos, as the first one here, get blocked because they seem suspicious to the thing.
Does anyone know how to override this?

neki desu
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