
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

turn turn turn

how should i say it?2how should i say it?

Thanks to all my blog friend for the support messages .We are emotionally exhausted, but my mother in law is doing relatively well for her condition. i guess this is a time of changes.
Trying to get back to normality( does anybody know what that is?) and cleaning as occupational therapy i found this small work,14x11cms,i wove some time ago at the time i discovered lampas.

For me structure is an excuse to weave what i want to say, i guess it's like a painter using blue or yellow paints,color is not really the important aspect. And lampas gave me the flexibility to do that.
The main warp is 20/1 linen stamped and painted with textile paints and the supplemental warp is very fine silk. The figuring weft is tow linen and the ground weft is the same linen used in the warp.
i was quite pleased with the resulting piece as it works both ways, but you judge :)

One more thing to be thankful about is this, awarded to me by Shirley Treasure.
Thank you Shirley, it sure eased my re entry home!
Here’s what goes along with receiving this award:
1. Post this award on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 4 other bloggers, and add their links as well.
4. Leave a comment at the new recipients’ blogs, so they can pass it on.

And the award goes on to: wonderful service to the weaving community more than weaving a place as you can get computer literate here such a variety of techniques a great inspiration

OK ladies, the ball is in your court now :)

neki desu

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

blog pause


Pausing for a week as we will be in Madrid for my mother in law's operation.
However here's something to inspire you and keep you entertained.
And here's another one along the lines of the spirograph.

Back in a week.

neki desu

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

salmon and savu


One of the many pleasant gastronomic discoveries in Helsinki was the Savu smoker bags in which you can cook food with a delicious smokey taste. Best of all no mess.
We bought some of them and last night i tried the fish one with salmon.
There are two important pointers to follow: the fish or meat has to be seared first so that the juices do not escape and the food needs a good marinade to make it tastier.

My favorite cook, Jamie Oliver came to the rescue with a very interesting and simple marinade for half a salmon .
soy sauce
lime zest
lemon zest
grated ginger
quantities depending on how much fish you've got.
Put all in a plastic bag, shake and massage the fish with it, leave 1 hour.
Take the fish out and dry. Discard the marinade.
Sear the skin for 1 minute until crispy.Then cook in the oven 20 minutes.

i put it in the smoke bag along with whole white onions and lemon slices. Twenty minutes later we were having this great smoked salmon dinner accompanied with a grilled red pepper avocado salad.
And a glass(or two) of a good white from Galicia.
Life is good. :)

neki desu

neki desu
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