
Monday, August 25, 2008

a sisyphean task-balance


Balance between the menial and the important, leisure and work, full and empty, wants and needs, thoughts and actions, simplicity and complexity, dharma and adharma.
In other words life.

How to portray balance? Not as a concept embedded in a balanced work, but to give it an iconic presence and make it it visually tangible.

This month's TIF became a living challenge as situations arose and had to be juggled into the available time slots.
The starting idea was walking on a tightrope, then as time went on the idiom to straighten out the kinks came to my mind , perhaps as a result of a very hectic month with not too many hours and too many things to attend.

Finally last weekend everything fell into place, the ideas, the visual stimuli i had had during the holidays and the sense of having some space and time. The studio was waiting for some action and the piece flowed almost effortless.
i think i've succeeded in creating a visually tangible image.

neki desu


blue bird of happiness

The bluebird of happiness flew over me and brought a new friend. Actually the blue bird was made by her. She gave me this amazing creature which now watches over my sews and my sewing machine. i met Vero and we shared some wine, conversation and laughs.
Thanks, Vero and here's to more times like this !

neki desu

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

are these rigid heddles, paddles or what?

6 end inkle

Back from Madrid and i have to be grateful, as we flew back the day before the accident. Family issues are more complex than what we expected and as a result i'll be blogging less frequently and studio time will also get cut down.

This interesting and beautiful wooden contraption was located at the National Museum in Helsinki. i am under the impression that it is a 6 end rigid heddlefor weaving bands, but i could be wrong. There is also a different spacing on each side something that leads me to believe those wove the border of the band. It was shown in a case with other rigid heddles and in one of the fascinating textile related rooms.
4 end inkle loom

This other one is a 4 end rigid heddle, methinks. i had never seen anything like these before and had to sneak some photos. Hope broadcasting it here doesn't get me into trouble. Think i've paid my dues as the photos came out blurry and crummy :)

What do you think about these? Are they actually rigid heddle systems? If you have any ideas please leave a comment.

neki desu

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