
Thursday, August 14, 2008

we're back, ravintola!

aalto's phone, wife's textile

From the land of design, textiles and architecture. Where people are incredibly warm and the language has 22 letter words, mostly consonants. Where it is sooo relaxing because not only is the city quiet, but also you don't understand a word, so you can concentrate on looking. And everywhere you look there's something verging the exquisite.
Guess where we were?

i took many photos,details mostly and textiles while husband-san went nuts taking architecture photos. Therefore when you look at his photos you can tell where we went.
We visited some of architectural shrines and met others who were doing the pilgrimage too.

We saw some friends and they took us to Hvittrask, the home of Eliel Saarinen and to Porvoo, a beautifully picturesque quaint little town an hour from Helsinki.

Oh yes, that's where we went to.
And by the way ravintola,the only word we understood means restaurant :) :)
More to come soon. For now check my flickr for some photos i took thinking of blogging friends and lots of textiles :).

Be back again next week, as we are heading to Madrid due to family issues.

neki desu

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

time for a pause

legs on the med

And lots of walking.
So i'll leave you with a very inspiring post i found at Exploring the Surface.
Be back in a couple of weeks to a goodie care package from my fairy godmother .

neki desu

Sunday, July 27, 2008

TIF -where did this month go?

shadow weave

i intended working with this month's concepts, as they were very appealing. But suddenly it's the end of the month and i haven't thought or written anything coherent. The heat and the indigo vats must have really affected me :)
And as i'm doing pretty well in this TIF challenge i don't want to lag behind. The option thus, is the colorway.

i developed this shadow weave from a profile i designed and which i'm unable to locate now.
It's a simple 12 shaft parallel threading. There are a few 3 end floats, but these are design elements. Honestly!

Here are cloth views of different color combos from this month's colorway.
The work was done using Fiberworks PCW, my regular weaving design software. The draft is open source and open to further interpretations. In other words be my guest and enjoy!

neki desu


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