
Friday, December 14, 2007

cards, cards, more cards!

Two beautiful cards came in between last week and this week.
The first one is from Bina and she also included some hand spun yarns that i'm treasuring. i was in the process of getting cardiac arrest because she had not gotten my ATC, but fortunately in the end it worked out.

The second one is from Beate and i apologize for the crummy photo. It is so rich in textures and unfortunately the glare kills them.

i need to start thinking about a way to exhibit my growing collection.

neki desu

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

interesting links


No post without photos, i have illustrated today's post with a post card i finished last week. The top sequins are black, but do not show in the photo.The bottom ones are gold and echo the gold foil on tulle in the top part. There's also some red scrim on top of the tulle and two insets of digitally printed silk organza. BTW the waist on the right side is intentional. LOL!
This is my way of getting ready for Sharon b's challenge for next year- Take it further
a design challenge that promises to be loads of fun.

More links. i found Traditions Mexico not only beautiful photos, but also some very interesting ideas on mordants for indigo and cochineal among others.

For those interested in transfer processes i came across this page with clear instructions on using acrylic gel medium for transfers.

And on a festive note make your own snowflake. Lots of Java fun and the flakes can be used as templates for fiber related projects.

neki desu

Sunday, December 09, 2007

it was about time i posted about food

We were in Madrid for the long weekend here just in search of some much needed r&r. HA!
The city was absolutely packed because everyone had the same idea. The cues at the Prado museum were 800mts plus and i am not exaggerating. Too bad i did not feel like standing in line for ages because the Velazquez exhibit and the new wing were worth it.
We went to the Reina Sofia Museum whose new wing we had not visited.
And the walks. We walked for endless hours, 5 at a shot. We could still enjoy the colors and the Christmas lights were inaugurated on the 5th of December drawing enormous crowds. Do check my Flikr for some photos of the trip.

Evidently after those walks we needed to replenish and Madrid is full of tascas where you can eat jam and cheese and drink fabulous wines.

But as with all things there is ham and ham. And ham means Joselito This half finished plate was at the Joselito place.They have updated the concept of tasca, a humble neighborhood eatery turning it into a sleek, modern place without altering the food element.

The ham is sublime, the wine list is impressive, desserts are memorable and we deserved this kind of gratification after being residents of Hades for weeks and weeks. By the way, the grey sleeves are mine.

neki desu


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