
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Takashi Iwasaki

Takashi Iwasaki's page is a real inspiration for embroiderers. His work is contemporary, yet incorporates some of the traditional Japanese patterns and motifs. Stylized and playful the embroideries show his graphic design training. In his CV he cites he's an"art enjoyer" something that struck me as absolutely brilliant. You can see more of his work here and while there check out his paintings too.

neki desu

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

finishing school

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Been trying to finish everything that has been laying around because i have some new ideas that i want to try out.Amazed with the discipline! Yet there are 2 TAST to recoup.
This red one started out as this
It was one of the paste resist pieces that was then stamped using fabric paints. Now that i see the "before" i've stopped being sure of the "after". Then the color is a bit off in the after pphoto.Sigh.. Will i ever stop doubting?

neki desu

Sunday, August 19, 2007

i'm back and look what i've found

This has been as the French say la rentree with all its connotations. i think i'll take care of a few things before i post about my holidays.
Firstly i'd like to thank Elisabeth of Quieter Moments for having included me in her Nice Matters award list. Elisabeth herself is MS. Nice, always helpful and her blog is a must visit for anyone interested in embroidery. What she does with stitching goes beyond the tried and true parameters. Simply awesome.

Then there's the Germaine Greer issue that sprang from a comment she made in The Guardian a UK newspaper and that Sharon B posted in her blog. Read for yourselves.
As for me i think she's missed the mark by 1000 yards. Either that or she's being provocative and after all these years that's a tired little attitude that we really could live without. She should honestly get a life instead of banging the keys of her computer in yet another "exercise in futility". And this is all I'll say because i really don't want to go there.

Please leave a comment after you've read the article.

I'll be back tomorrow with a cool head.

neki desu


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