
Friday, August 24, 2007

more ufos

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Another one finished. This is one of paste resist backgrounds and by my standards a big one about 22x25 cms. The ribbon used for framing i could not resist buying. i was willing to make something around it just to buy it, but luckily it fit this project.
Also experimenting here with pigments and soy milk. The fluo pink is part of the batch i bought when in Japan and had been tucked out of sight until recently found.

This is a detail of the stitching and fabric circles. And yes. i'm going through a circle phase.
Coincidentally i'm also weaving circles. Working frantically because i want to finish all i have pending before Japanese class starts.

neki desu

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Takashi Iwasaki

Takashi Iwasaki's page is a real inspiration for embroiderers. His work is contemporary, yet incorporates some of the traditional Japanese patterns and motifs. Stylized and playful the embroideries show his graphic design training. In his CV he cites he's an"art enjoyer" something that struck me as absolutely brilliant. You can see more of his work here and while there check out his paintings too.

neki desu

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

finishing school

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Been trying to finish everything that has been laying around because i have some new ideas that i want to try out.Amazed with the discipline! Yet there are 2 TAST to recoup.
This red one started out as this
It was one of the paste resist pieces that was then stamped using fabric paints. Now that i see the "before" i've stopped being sure of the "after". Then the color is a bit off in the after pphoto.Sigh.. Will i ever stop doubting?

neki desu


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