
Monday, September 16, 2024

another realm

literally and figuratively.leon was the seat of the kings of has a spectacular gothic catherdal, a well kept city wall. and a farmer's market to die for . 

it's not quite northern spain as it is on the meseta, the castillian plateau where the rain in spain stays if you recall my fair about poetic license.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the cantabrian range stops the rain and that plain is dry,dry.we skipped the cathedral bcse we had visited it some years ago

but went to the colegiata and its museum. my heart stopped there looking at the samit textiles they had. no photos, no postcards in the shop.ಠ_ಠ
if only i need to work on my memory to treasure what i saw.

well kept city walls

the old city has a lot of character and it isthe old city has a lot of character and it is
 not excesively touristy. yet.


the food both cooked or produce is serious-
frehsly ground smoked  sweet and hot paprika for sale.cheese and wine galore. and assorted kinds of dried is a veritable feast for the senses.
we banqueted and for a more than reasonable price.
it was a glorious saturday and accomapnied by good friends. life is good.

neki desu 
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