
Friday, December 15, 2017

all the little stitches

have a great weekend.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

of rain

"It rained for four years,eleven months and two days.There were periods of drizzle during which everyone put on his full dress and a convalescent look to celebrate the clearing,but the people soon grew accustomed to interpret the pauses as a sign of redoubled rain."
 One hundred Years of Solitude
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

not quite but almost.two straight weeks.we needed it, but give me a break!I need to learn how to function in a wet environment.coming from the dry med where activity almost stops when it rains it is a learning experience.luckily husband-san insisted to the point of obnoxiousness that i buy a pair of gore-tex and all kinds of techs rain booties.with a blessed zipper on the side so they qualify as slip ons.
hunter boots are cool, but very impractical. unless you're kate moss and are making a statement.(eye roll)

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Monday, December 11, 2017


my admiration for all of you who work with linen.i have worked with very fine threads all my weaving life, but they were mostly silk or wool and a bit of cotton as well.
but linen is a different animal; it has a different life and behavior.
so here i am learning about how to handle linen, even in a much thicker grist than what i am used to work with it presents of them the airborne lint that causes me to cough and gives me  a runny nose, japanese cold masks are de rigeur .
 the autodenter works like a good baby! it doesn't cut the threads like it sometimes does to very fine gain!
after a very long bank holiday-almost a week-with no walks, aqua gym,japanese class and ladies who coffee i was able to really troop it. dying to start weaving!and i already have the cakes baked, the xmas dinner made and frozen and the decos up.just need to sit down and make the xmas animated card.woohoo!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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