my admiration for all of you who work with linen.i have worked with very fine threads all my weaving life, but they were mostly silk or wool and a bit of cotton as well.
but linen is a different animal; it has a different life and behavior.
so here i am learning about how to handle linen, even in a much thicker grist than what i am used to work with it presents of them the airborne lint that causes me to cough and gives me a runny nose, japanese cold masks are de rigeur .
the autodenter works like a good baby! it doesn't cut the threads like it sometimes does to very fine gain!
after a very long bank holiday-almost a week-with no walks, aqua gym,japanese class and ladies who coffee i was able to really troop it. dying to start weaving!and i already have the cakes baked, the xmas dinner made and frozen and the decos up.just need to sit down and make the xmas animated card.woohoo!
the autodenter works like a good baby! it doesn't cut the threads like it sometimes does to very fine gain!
after a very long bank holiday-almost a week-with no walks, aqua gym,japanese class and ladies who coffee i was able to really troop it. dying to start weaving!and i already have the cakes baked, the xmas dinner made and frozen and the decos up.just need to sit down and make the xmas animated card.woohoo!
neki desu
Bonne chance. I have never developed a good relationship with linen and we have finally agreed to a truce. I won't bother IT, and IT won't bother me. But I know you are fearless, and I will be watching with interest.