
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

on process and post prod

it was ok,but wishy washy and the shape stood dominant bcse of scale and texture.the design problem faced was integrating the shape to the background which on the other hand had not enough variety.

paynes grey all over; dark and gloomy, like the week that was.
better but the shape still stood out dominant also the dark framing drew too much attention towards the small squares were competing for attention.

covered the small squares with some torn tissue paper and added more under them .nickel azo gold you rock!

added washi to the top  center and to the small squares to soften them.  as an aside, have you tried to tear washi?
ripped some of the edges of the textured square and wiped off some of the dark framing, softening it. totally addicted to  alcohol erasing!
 i think it needs some more work, but one has to learn when to say: enough, lets move on.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, June 27, 2016

oh dear

away longer than i expected but back to the land of the living.
the website has a tiny thing that i am not able to resolve, but after tinkering with it for a week and tearing my hair i just went ahead and published. things were learned along the way, so not all was  loss of hair and headaches.
so  here  are the fruits of my efforts, not overly designed in trying to keep things simple.except for the about animation that is ;) please let me know if there are misconducts esp. the mobile site that drove me nuts.
disregard the unsolvable @ that doesn't come up , but it's still clickable.  the image is there, properly linked. go figure.

turning a page here's the first exercise of lesson three which was cruciform composition.think it has enough variety in the quadrants and the cross looks integrated with the background. more tomorrow.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Monday, June 06, 2016

second verse and full stop

exercises for second lesson. another one drying.
going to take a leave of absence from here to update my web page. hope to do it in a week long, but it's more wishing and hoping. there's some new stuff to make it mobile compatible and i haven't worked that before.we shall see. any good juju will be appreciated.

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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