
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

blocking is a science

lifted stitches-diagonal

left my last set of samples wet  blocking and after a week and even though they are stockinette they do not curl back.
the above is a lifted stitch practice from the susan guagliumi book and as ever diagonals attract me.

this is card nº20  of my brother  890 . it's a lace 
pattern done with the lace carriage and before i started getting creative   changing the pattern
especially after finding this post.


 lace card nº 16 ??, could be adapted for a more contemporary look.

lace2    lace1

card 19                                                  card 18

these too could profit from an update.

on another note weaving smoothly; it's a good cloth this one :)
sewing wise i have already chosen the pattern for the striped cotton and a sleeveless blouse with a peter pan collar for this . the original plan was a skirt, but there's not enough fabric.

yesterday was  a holiday here.
on the spooky side, we still have the internet connection which means someone forgot to do their job.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Monday, April 01, 2013

the future is here


field day time at my mother in law's. dauntlessly opening drawers and closets  expecting to find treasures.
the fabric above is cotton sheeting of a quality  no longer found.
will make a nice summer dress and coincidentally, although i really don't care, this summer is stripes.
thinking the dress style over.

neki desu
Creative Commons License 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

madrid in spring

magnolia  x soulangeana


wintry cold as you wouldn't believe.but nature pushing forward.

weather conductive to being indoors.especially if places have great upholstery.
there was also paul klee, a brief visit to el prado and two other smaller museums

changing internet provider and moving to cable. will be wireless for -holding my breath- 3 days.but don't know when.such is life!

neki desu
Creative Commons License 


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