
Monday, March 11, 2013

clever people


cleverness has always cut it for me. i admire all its manifestations, even smart ass cleverness.
here you can see the placement of the louet raddle; yarns go over the shafts (properly covered with paper) lease sticks in between the raddle and back beam. notice the knobs and the piece of wood underneath locking the raddle.


second option:the raddle is placed  behind the 
heddles supported on the sides.
the  clever wood piece now
 lies parallel to the sides locking the reed.

my excitement lies in the fact that i discovered placement nÂș1  and think i like it more than the regular one. will have to fine tune the system, but so far i like it.
i have two working stations- back and front- with chairs and lights.every so often threaded heddles i walk around to the front and thread the reed thus minimizing errors.what i like about it is that it is a lot gentler with my cervicals and back.and i also add steps to my daily tally. did i say win-win?

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Friday, March 08, 2013

the mother of all inventions


thinking minds advancing civilisation, a meccano knitting machine!
have a good springy weekend.

neki desu
Creative Commons License

Thursday, March 07, 2013

half mark


no internet connection yesterday and so it was work, work, work. arrived at a little past half mark, 500 threads.
i treadle the threading and with such mega fine yarns i have to thread from the back because i cannot see them from the is a bit clumsy to have the warp already wound in the back, but the good news is that there's less chance for picking the wrong order ergo less crossed threads!and by the same reason, it's very nice to have all threads wound and under control. having that mass of angel hair when warping from the front is stress inducing,although one gets used to it.


easing into the sewing. started with one of those long rectangular things i knitted with linen and turned into a had been dyed in the last ai vat of the summer and was resting, waiting and hoping for the color to age and develop.i'm pleased with the outcome.
now if it only would stop raining. we're on the second straight week of non stop rain!

neki desu
Creative Commons License


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